ear piercings

How Much Are Ear Piercings and Where to Find Piercing Places Near Me

How Much Are Ear Piercings and Where to Find Piercing Places Near Me

Getting a new ear piercing is always an exciting prospect. But with that excitement comes questions about how much ear piercings are.

The average cost of ear piercings in Ontario studios is between $30 and $150.  The price depends on location, complexity, and amount of piercings. Also, if you’re allergic to regular metals, you may require special piercings that cost more.

Discussions about the cost of ear piercings can get complicated very fast. But we’ll break it down in this blog.

Here, we’ll spotlight the different factors that combine to determine the cost of ear piercings. Alongside, we’ll highlight where to find standard piercing studios with affordable prices in Ontario.

Factors Affecting Ear Piercing Costs in Toronto

Some of the factors that can increase or decrease how much ear piercings are include these:

Ear Piercing Type and Location

The type you choose is the foremost factor influencing ear piercing costs. Although you have only two ears, the kind of ear piercing you can get is numerous.

But, our piercing specialists at Piranha Tattoo Studio have been able to separate the types of ear piercings into two broad groups.

  • Ear lobe piercing: The lobe is the lower part of the ear and can take up to four piercings. It’s the softest part of the ear and relatively easy to pierce.
  • Cartilage piercing: According to a 2023 report by the National Library of Medicine, every other part of your ear apart from the lobe is a cartilage. Piercings on this part of the ear are more complex to complete.

In addition, a 2019 Statista report affirms the ear lobe as the most popular pierced part of the body. As such, it’s also the most affordable type of ear piercing.

On the other hand, cartilage piercings give you more options on locations to pierce. That’s why the list of cartilage piercings is endless — including;

  • Helix ear piercing
  • Forward helix ear piercing
  • Conch piercing
  • Rook ear piercing

The installation style of each ear piercing differs from the others. As such, they all have varying costs. So, a Toronto piercing studio may charge you $30 for a helix piercing and increase it for a forward helix piercing.

Ear Piercing Technique

The two standard ear-piercing techniques are the use of needles or a piercing gun. The process may seem easy, especially with a gun, but it’s far from it.

The piercing gun is a quicker method to reduce the pain felt during the process. Needle piercing techniques are manual, and you’ll experience more impact. But, it gives room for more accuracy in the piercing location and less likelihood of an injury.

Using needles is a safer method for piercing since they’re single-use. Piercing guns can be reusable, but most studios only change the needles used. That leaves a lot of health and contamination risks.

Delivering needle piercings successfully takes a certain level of expertise and experience. As such, you can expect this to reflect in how much piercings are. Needle piercings will cost more compared to ear piercings with a gun.

Studio Locality

The location of a piercing studio may affect the price of ear piercings. Neighbourhood piercing studios are less expensive than an ear piercing service in a metropolitan area.

Opening and maintaining a piercing studio in an urban area is more expensive. Piercing studios near Toronto city center often pay up to double the operational costs compared to local studios.

As such, they’ll add these operating costs to the price of their ear piercing service.

Studio Expertise and Experience

This factor is the most influential factor influencing how much ear piercings are. A professional piercer would have multiple certificates on the best practices for piercing.

These trainings aren’t free. As such, it’ll affect the price of their services. Expertise and experience are essential. As such, the cost of ear piercings will increase.

Studio Level of Popularity

Marketing and sales are integral to any organization, including piercing studios. A piercing studio that has earned popularity among users is likely to have a higher price.

In addition, marketing should also go with exceptional ear piercing services to maintain that reputation. Once a piercing studio can maintain high service quality alongside good marketing strategies, they’ll cost more.

Extra Services

The primary job of an ear piercing studio in Toronto is to create a hole in your ear. But, there are other services that they may offer.

For example, most piercing studios have earrings and other jewelry you may like. In addition, some may sell standard aftercare products to help your piercing.

Choosing any of these extra services will increase the total cost you incur.


Piercing studios also have a peak period for operations. You may pay a slightly higher price if you try to pierce now.

Many piercing studios offer discounts for first-time piercers and during selected sales periods. Needing the service at any of these periods means you’ll pay less because of the discount.

Related Article: Safety First: Understanding the Importance of Sterilization in Piercing Studios

ear piercing costs in toronto

How to Locate a Great Piercing Studio

Finding a standard piercing studio is more critical than knowing how much ear piercings are in different studios. Here’s how to find a good piercing studio.

Cost Shouldn’t Be a Determinant

Like everyone, you want to pay less and save money on your piercing. But ear piercing cost should be the least of your worries when looking for a piercing studio.

You should be more interested in their expertise, hygiene, and other services. These services may come at a higher price, but it’s better to be safe.

Ear piercings involve blood, and there can be fatal injuries should you choose an inexperienced piercer.

It’s better to focus on the quality and safety of their ear piercing services. You may pay higher, but get your money’s worth and peace.

Check The Internet and Make a List

The internet is helpful when you’re looking for a standard piercing studio. A simple search of “piercing places near me” or “body piercing near me” is all you need.

You’ll get hundreds of options to choose from after this search. But you can list about ten to twenty potential piercing studios to visit.

Not every great piercing studio has an internet presence. But that’s enough reason not to pick them.

An online presence lets customers express their thoughts on the company’s services. That way, you can check for unbiased reviews while making your list.

Check for Certifications

The government checks operating standards for piercing studios and other personal care shops. After confirming these standards, government authorities then provide piercing studios with a professional license or certificate.

Most standard piercing studios like to flaunt these certifications for marketing purposes.

In addition, there’s a standard Association of Professional Piercers with a worldwide presence. Any piercing studio should belong to any of these bodies.

Lastly, educational and piercing certifications are necessary in the industry. Piercing isn’t just any man’s business. It requires long training, and the person should have certifications to show.

Visit The Shops and Ask Questions

If you’ve followed the steps above, you should have removed some studios from your list. The next step is to visit the shops and ask psychological, uncomfortable questions.

The first thing to do is to find the least experienced person in the shop, usually an apprentice. Ask how long they’ve been learning and the duration of their training.

Every professional piercer should train for more than two years. You can also ask them questions about the procedure used by the studio.

Other questions you can ask include;

  • How long is the piercing period?
  • What’s their piercing technique?
  • Where’s their piercing area? (You shouldn’t have easy access to the actual piercing location.)
  • How much are ear piercings? (You can use their pricing to compare other studios you’ll visit.)

Try to keep your questions as conversational as you can.

Check Hygiene and Piercing Equipment

Hygiene is the most important observation to make when you visit any studio. Hygiene starts from the practices of the people in the studio.

Every piercing studio should have protective equipment for each staff member at every point. There should be proper sterilization for equipment, hands, and others.

In addition, the number of people allowed into the studio is another sign. A good piercing studio should have a waiting area for the safety of others.

Consider Proximity and Cost

After checking all the items listed above, you should have less than five piercing studios on your list.

You can consider the cost and proximity to your home. If, at this stage, all five have the same standard and use needles instead of piercing guns, you can consider their cost.

After considering the cost and the quality of piercing services on offer, convenience should come next.

Choose the most cost-effective one. Consider the cost of transportation to and fro when choosing based on cost. Go to the closest piercing studio with a reasonable cost for their ear piercing service.

Related Article: The Different Types of Body Piercings You Can Get and Their Meanings

great piercing studio

Choose Piranha Studio for Affordable Ear Piercings in Toronto

Knowing how much ear piercings are vital only when you’ve picked the right studio. Bloodborne diseases are a possibility during the piercing process. So, you should focus more on hygiene and the quality of service instead of cost.

Following the guidelines discussed above will find you a standard piercing studio in Toronto. But that may seem like a hard, long task in itself.

If you’re searching for a standard piercing studio in Toronto, Piranha Studios should come to mind. We follow the standard safety practices with sterilization and hygiene. In addition, all our in-house piercers have the training and experience to deliver flawless ear piercings.

Choose us for affordable, cost-effective, and standard piercing packages. Call +1 905 605 9191 to book your session today.

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