How Much is a Nose Piercing?

nose piercing

Nose piercings symbolize many things for many people and cultures. Over the centuries, many have taken them as a symbol of tradition, beauty, or even rebellion.

Today, they have become a popular form of self-expression in Canada with distinct designs and jewelry.

It’s only normal to have questions about how much it costs if you’re looking to get a new nose piercing. The short answer is that it depends! In a city like Toronto, the cost of a nose piercing can go from $50 to $100 for the piercing alone. Additional costs on jewelry alone, for example, can reach $90 or more.

It’s important to note that various factors can affect the cost of a nose piercing. Some of these factors include the reputation and location of the studio, the piercer’s experience, and the materials used.

This blog discusses some of these factors and tips to save money on a new nose piercing without compromising safety or quality.

Types of Nose Piercings and How Much they Cost

As you would expect, there are various types of nose piercings, each one as beautiful as the next. This means the right type of nose piercing for you will depend on personal preference and professional advice from your Toronto piercing studio.

Nostril Piercing

This is one of the most popular types of nose piercing. The piercer typically makes a hole through the skin and cartilage of the nostril, and a piece of jewelry— rings, hoops, or studs— of choice is inserted. The hole can be made on either side of the nostril or on both sides to give a symmetrical look.

Septum Piercing

This type of piercing sits in the septum, and the jewelry hangs down the nose—resembling a bull’s ring. With septum piercing, the piercer makes a hole through the center of the skin’s thin strip in the center of the nose, between the nostrils.

The average cost of getting a septum piercing in Toronto is between $60 and $120, including jewelry such as circular barbells, bead rings, or septum clickers.

Bridge Piercing

Also called earl piercing, you’ll find a bridge piercing on the bridge of the nose and between the eyes. The piercer does their job through the skin on the bridge of the nose, and they can adorn the hole with surface bars or straight barbells.

Nasal Septum Piercing

Similar to the septum piercing, the piercing here is done through the nasal septum and goes near the tip of the nose. You can adorn your nasal septum piercing with a circular barbell or septum clicker.

High Nostril Piercing

High nostril piercings are placed higher up on the nose, above the regular nostril piercing. They can be on either side of the nose and are typically adorned with small studs or rings. In Toronto, the cost of a high nostril piercing ranges from $60 to $100, including the jewelry.

Vertical Tip Piercing

In vertical piercings, the piercer makes a hole vertically through the tip of the nose. They can then adore the nose with various jewelry pieces, like a surface bar or a straight barbell. It all depends on what you want.

As discussed above, there are various nose piercing types, each with a unique style, look and cost outlay. Start the journey to your new nose piercing by consulting a professional piercing studio near you.

Not only will you be able to discuss the cost of a new nose piercing, but you can also talk about piercing placement and get expert advice on the best jewellery options for your preferred look.

Related Article: How Much Are Ear Piercings and Where to Find Piercing Places Near Me

types of nose piercings

Here’s Why a Nose Piercing Can Cost $100

How much a new nose piercing costs depends on the following:

Studio reputation and location

The location and reputation of a piercing studio can largely affect how much you are charged for a nose piercing. If the Toronto piercing shop is in an upscale neighbourhood or has a solid reputation, you can expect higher prices than other piercing studios.

Piercer experience and skill

With experience comes perfection, which reflects the cost of a nose piercing. A piercing expert with multiple years of experience will charge more than other piercing studios in Toronto.

Quality of jewellery

The type or quality of jewelry you use also affects the price of the piercing. If you prefer high-quality materials like titanium, gold or diamond, you should expect to spend more compared to one who got the standard surgical steel.

Type of piercing

When you prefer more specialized or complex piercings like the bridge or septum piercing, you will spend more. This is because they require specialized experience and further equipment to get done without complications.

Additional services

Depending on the type of piercing you get, you may need follow-up appointments to ensure the piercing heals without complication. This type of additional service can add to the overall cost of a nose piercing.

Before you get a nose piercing, research different studios and understand the difference in prices. Alongside this, consider other factors beyond pricing when choosing a piercing studio. The piercer or studio’s experience, hygiene, and professionalism determine whether your piercing looks good and heals nicely. Think about these factors too!

How to Save Money on The Cost of A New Piercing

Piercing your nose shouldn’t cost you a fortune. The essence of this section is to explain how you can get the best pricing deal on a nose piercing without compromising on quality or safety.

Research and compare prices

This is the easiest place to start. Research different piercing studios and compare their prices. The goal isn’t to go for the cheapest but to understand and justify why each studio charges that price. Essentially, look for a studio that offers competitive pricing without overlooking hygiene and quality.

Check for promotions or discounts

Depending on the studio or time of the year, some piercing studios in Toronto may offer discount or promotions. Look out for those on billboards, social media or their websites.

Most piercing studios offer special deals to first-time customers or students. And if you’re not sure where else to get that information, don’t hesitate to walk into the studio to ask.

Consider basic jewelry options

It’s tempting to get an expensive piece of jewelry for your new nose piercing. However, if you’re on a budget, starting with a basic piercing is the wise thing to do. Opting for a simple design will help you save money.

It can be fun to go with the fancier jewelry pieces. But since you are trying to save money, stick to basic jewelry during the piercing process. Once the piercing has healed, you can upgrade to fancier jewelry.

DIY aftercare

If you want to save money, consider cleaning your piercing yourself, ensuring you follow proper hygiene practices to prevent infection. And if you aren’t sure how best to clean, talk to your piercer. It takes more than mild soap or saline solution to keep a piercing clean and healing smoothly.

Ask about payment plans

Toronto piercing studios offer installment options or payment plans so you can spread the piercing cost.

how to save money on cost of new piercing

14 “don’ts” to Keep in Mind When Getting a Nose Piercing

  1. Don’t touch your piercing with dirty hands.
  2. Don’t use harsh cleaning products, such as alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Don’t remove your jewelry too soon.
  4. Don’t swim in pools, hot tubs, or natural bodies of water while your piercing is healing.
  5. Don’t use makeup or beauty products on your piercing until it’s fully healed.
  6. Don’t ignore signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, pain, or discharge.
  7. Don’t twist or turn your jewelry excessively.
  8. Don’t sleep on your piercing.
  9. Don’t play with or fiddle with your piercing.
  10. Don’t use dirty towels or bedding on your piercing.
  11. Don’t expose your piercing to excessive sunlight or heat.
  12. Don’t use rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to clean your piercing.
  13. Don’t use cotton swabs or pads on your piercing, as they can leave fibres behind.
  14. Don’t ignore proper aftercare instructions given by your piercer.

Related Article: The Different Types Of Body Piercings You Can Get And Their Meanings

How much is A Nose Piercing?

In the end, the cost of a nose piercing can vary for various reasons. Some of the ones we have discussed in this article include the type of piercing you prefer, the quality of the jewelry and the location of the piercing studio.

And when you ask next time, how much is a nose piercing? The best answer is it depends.

Understanding the factors we discuss above, their effects, and the tips on how to save money will help you make a more informed decision about your nose piercing. You must also remember that proper hygiene and aftercare are important for a successful piercing experience.

When you’re ready to get a nose piercing, we invite you to book an appointment with Piranha Tattoo Studio. We offer package pricing and take different payment options to make your piercing experience convenient and affordable.

How Much Are Ear Piercings and Where to Find Piercing Places Near Me

ear piercings

How Much Are Ear Piercings and Where to Find Piercing Places Near Me

Getting a new ear piercing is always an exciting prospect. But with that excitement comes questions about how much ear piercings are.

The average cost of ear piercings in Ontario studios is between $30 and $150.  The price depends on location, complexity, and amount of piercings. Also, if you’re allergic to regular metals, you may require special piercings that cost more.

Discussions about the cost of ear piercings can get complicated very fast. But we’ll break it down in this blog.

Here, we’ll spotlight the different factors that combine to determine the cost of ear piercings. Alongside, we’ll highlight where to find standard piercing studios with affordable prices in Ontario.

Factors Affecting Ear Piercing Costs in Toronto

Some of the factors that can increase or decrease how much ear piercings are include these:

Ear Piercing Type and Location

The type you choose is the foremost factor influencing ear piercing costs. Although you have only two ears, the kind of ear piercing you can get is numerous.

But, our piercing specialists at Piranha Tattoo Studio have been able to separate the types of ear piercings into two broad groups.

  • Ear lobe piercing: The lobe is the lower part of the ear and can take up to four piercings. It’s the softest part of the ear and relatively easy to pierce.
  • Cartilage piercing: According to a 2023 report by the National Library of Medicine, every other part of your ear apart from the lobe is a cartilage. Piercings on this part of the ear are more complex to complete.

In addition, a 2019 Statista report affirms the ear lobe as the most popular pierced part of the body. As such, it’s also the most affordable type of ear piercing.

On the other hand, cartilage piercings give you more options on locations to pierce. That’s why the list of cartilage piercings is endless — including;

  • Helix ear piercing
  • Forward helix ear piercing
  • Conch piercing
  • Rook ear piercing

The installation style of each ear piercing differs from the others. As such, they all have varying costs. So, a Toronto piercing studio may charge you $30 for a helix piercing and increase it for a forward helix piercing.

Ear Piercing Technique

The two standard ear-piercing techniques are the use of needles or a piercing gun. The process may seem easy, especially with a gun, but it’s far from it.

The piercing gun is a quicker method to reduce the pain felt during the process. Needle piercing techniques are manual, and you’ll experience more impact. But, it gives room for more accuracy in the piercing location and less likelihood of an injury.

Using needles is a safer method for piercing since they’re single-use. Piercing guns can be reusable, but most studios only change the needles used. That leaves a lot of health and contamination risks.

Delivering needle piercings successfully takes a certain level of expertise and experience. As such, you can expect this to reflect in how much piercings are. Needle piercings will cost more compared to ear piercings with a gun.

Studio Locality

The location of a piercing studio may affect the price of ear piercings. Neighbourhood piercing studios are less expensive than an ear piercing service in a metropolitan area.

Opening and maintaining a piercing studio in an urban area is more expensive. Piercing studios near Toronto city center often pay up to double the operational costs compared to local studios.

As such, they’ll add these operating costs to the price of their ear piercing service.

Studio Expertise and Experience

This factor is the most influential factor influencing how much ear piercings are. A professional piercer would have multiple certificates on the best practices for piercing.

These trainings aren’t free. As such, it’ll affect the price of their services. Expertise and experience are essential. As such, the cost of ear piercings will increase.

Studio Level of Popularity

Marketing and sales are integral to any organization, including piercing studios. A piercing studio that has earned popularity among users is likely to have a higher price.

In addition, marketing should also go with exceptional ear piercing services to maintain that reputation. Once a piercing studio can maintain high service quality alongside good marketing strategies, they’ll cost more.

Extra Services

The primary job of an ear piercing studio in Toronto is to create a hole in your ear. But, there are other services that they may offer.

For example, most piercing studios have earrings and other jewelry you may like. In addition, some may sell standard aftercare products to help your piercing.

Choosing any of these extra services will increase the total cost you incur.


Piercing studios also have a peak period for operations. You may pay a slightly higher price if you try to pierce now.

Many piercing studios offer discounts for first-time piercers and during selected sales periods. Needing the service at any of these periods means you’ll pay less because of the discount.

Related Article: Safety First: Understanding the Importance of Sterilization in Piercing Studios

ear piercing costs in toronto

How to Locate a Great Piercing Studio

Finding a standard piercing studio is more critical than knowing how much ear piercings are in different studios. Here’s how to find a good piercing studio.

Cost Shouldn’t Be a Determinant

Like everyone, you want to pay less and save money on your piercing. But ear piercing cost should be the least of your worries when looking for a piercing studio.

You should be more interested in their expertise, hygiene, and other services. These services may come at a higher price, but it’s better to be safe.

Ear piercings involve blood, and there can be fatal injuries should you choose an inexperienced piercer.

It’s better to focus on the quality and safety of their ear piercing services. You may pay higher, but get your money’s worth and peace.

Check The Internet and Make a List

The internet is helpful when you’re looking for a standard piercing studio. A simple search of “piercing places near me” or “body piercing near me” is all you need.

You’ll get hundreds of options to choose from after this search. But you can list about ten to twenty potential piercing studios to visit.

Not every great piercing studio has an internet presence. But that’s enough reason not to pick them.

An online presence lets customers express their thoughts on the company’s services. That way, you can check for unbiased reviews while making your list.

Check for Certifications

The government checks operating standards for piercing studios and other personal care shops. After confirming these standards, government authorities then provide piercing studios with a professional license or certificate.

Most standard piercing studios like to flaunt these certifications for marketing purposes.

In addition, there’s a standard Association of Professional Piercers with a worldwide presence. Any piercing studio should belong to any of these bodies.

Lastly, educational and piercing certifications are necessary in the industry. Piercing isn’t just any man’s business. It requires long training, and the person should have certifications to show.

Visit The Shops and Ask Questions

If you’ve followed the steps above, you should have removed some studios from your list. The next step is to visit the shops and ask psychological, uncomfortable questions.

The first thing to do is to find the least experienced person in the shop, usually an apprentice. Ask how long they’ve been learning and the duration of their training.

Every professional piercer should train for more than two years. You can also ask them questions about the procedure used by the studio.

Other questions you can ask include;

  • How long is the piercing period?
  • What’s their piercing technique?
  • Where’s their piercing area? (You shouldn’t have easy access to the actual piercing location.)
  • How much are ear piercings? (You can use their pricing to compare other studios you’ll visit.)

Try to keep your questions as conversational as you can.

Check Hygiene and Piercing Equipment

Hygiene is the most important observation to make when you visit any studio. Hygiene starts from the practices of the people in the studio.

Every piercing studio should have protective equipment for each staff member at every point. There should be proper sterilization for equipment, hands, and others.

In addition, the number of people allowed into the studio is another sign. A good piercing studio should have a waiting area for the safety of others.

Consider Proximity and Cost

After checking all the items listed above, you should have less than five piercing studios on your list.

You can consider the cost and proximity to your home. If, at this stage, all five have the same standard and use needles instead of piercing guns, you can consider their cost.

After considering the cost and the quality of piercing services on offer, convenience should come next.

Choose the most cost-effective one. Consider the cost of transportation to and fro when choosing based on cost. Go to the closest piercing studio with a reasonable cost for their ear piercing service.

Related Article: The Different Types of Body Piercings You Can Get and Their Meanings

great piercing studio

Choose Piranha Studio for Affordable Ear Piercings in Toronto

Knowing how much ear piercings are vital only when you’ve picked the right studio. Bloodborne diseases are a possibility during the piercing process. So, you should focus more on hygiene and the quality of service instead of cost.

Following the guidelines discussed above will find you a standard piercing studio in Toronto. But that may seem like a hard, long task in itself.

If you’re searching for a standard piercing studio in Toronto, Piranha Studios should come to mind. We follow the standard safety practices with sterilization and hygiene. In addition, all our in-house piercers have the training and experience to deliver flawless ear piercings.

Choose us for affordable, cost-effective, and standard piercing packages. Call +1 905 605 9191 to book your session today.

Safety First: Understanding the Importance of Sterilization in Piercing Studios

sterilization in piercing studios

Safety First: Understanding the Importance of Sterilization in Piercing Studios

Getting a new piercing is always a good idea for body art. But, understanding the importance of sterilization for piercing is vital. Nobody wants to contract a skin reaction or an infection because they got a piercing.

Sterilization in piercing studios is important because of how easy it is to get infected after a piercing.  According to a 2023 research paper by the CDC, bacterial infections occur frequently after a piercing. These infections may be minor or major. Treatment for some of these complications may require surgical operations.

We’re not telling you not to get a piercing. Our aim is that you ensure your piercer sterilizes all equipment. Here, we’ll examine the importance of sterilizations in piercing studios and other precautions for getting a body piercing.

What Are The Benefits of Safety During Piercings

Some of the benefits of sterilizing piercing equipment include;

Prevents Allergic Reaction

A piercing means you’re creating a hole in a part of your body. This hole is tiny, but enough for bacteria to infect.

The skin may react to this bacteria infection in the form of allergies. In turn, this may show up as rashes that never look good and cause skin itchiness.

The allergies may not always occur immediately after the piercing or at its location. For example, you can pierce your belly button and get an allergy reaction on your face.

You can avoid any of these complications when you sterilize piercing materials. It reduces the risks of allergies.

Stops Skin Diseases

Skin disease is another reason to practice safety during piercings. Like with allergies, skin diseases can be minor or significant. The most common type of skin disease is redness around the piercing area.

The pierced area can also swell badly. In addition, the swollen area may give off a discharge after a while. The discharge may look like pus.

In addition, another skin disease caused by piercing may also start as a scar. If unattended, it may cause a keloid.

Keloids are overgrown scars that grow on the skin. It doesn’t affect your health, but it can be unattractive. It usually affects the ears, cheeks, chest, and shoulders.

Prevents transfer of Blood-related Diseases

The most dangerous and apparent importance of sterilization for piercing is the possibility of bloodborne illnesses. There’s no way you can pierce without having blood drops, no matter the expertise of the piercer. As such, piercing puts you and the piercer at risk.

Some of the blood-related diseases you may contact include hepatitis B and C, tetanus, and the dreaded HIV. Most of these diseases require complex treatment methods that may be lifelong.

Blood-related diseases occur during piercing when devices used carry the viruses. The best way to avoid blood-related diseases is to use new piercing equipment only.

Improve the Lifespan of a Reusable Piercing Device

Although not advisable, certain piercers use reusable devices.

A piercing gun is an excellent example of such a device. The piercer will only use new needles for every new client.

Sterilizing the gun makes it safe for use and can also make it last longer.

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reusable piercing device

How to Sterilize Piercing Equipment

Some of the best sterilization practices for piercing include;

Thorough and Constant Cleaning

Regular cleaning should be a characteristic of a standard piercing studio. A piercing studio is almost like a surgical room. Every corner must be clean.

Cleaning in a studio doesn’t stop at the piercing device and accessories. The chairs, tables, and other non-piercing equipment should be clean.

At Piranha Studio, everything from what you wear to every item is clean. We take time to remove visible dirt.

Constant Use of Disinfectants

Cleaning with soap and water is excellent. But it’s not sufficient for a task as delicate as piercing.

We use disinfectants to help clean every item. In addition, we ensure that the disinfectants are standard and tested to remove blood-related bacteria.

It’s better to use the disinfectants directly on all items for the best results. You can immerse the piercing devices in the disinfectants before and after use.

Using Autoclave Sterilization

The innovation of an autoclave amplifies the importance of sterilization for piercings. An autoclave is a sterilizing tool used to remove bacteria.

This equipment is helpful in the piercing industry. But its uses cut across several sectors, including medicine.

An autoclave usually has a few parts, including;

  • The chamber. This part is the location where the operator places the items for sterilization.
  • A water container. Autoclaves work with steam, so water must be in the device before functioning.
  • A heating element. This part is what increases the temperature of the water.
  • A monitor. This monitor indicates details like — temperature, water level, and timer.

Using an autoclave is very simple. Follow these steps:

  • Ensure there’s enough water in the equipment.
  • Set the temperature to the desired level, usually based on what you’re sterilizing.
  • Set a time limit for the sterilization process. Thirty minutes is okay to sterilize piercing equipment.
  • Wait till it finishes.

You can use an autoclave to sterilize any equipment — so long it can fit into the chamber.

It’s always better to sterilize piercing tools in a sterilization bag or pouch. The autoclave will be effective if you put the items without a pack.

But remember, sterilization uses heat, so removing them with bare hands is not easy. Besides, what’s the importance of sterilization for piercing when you reintroduce pathogens from your hand?

Using a sterilization pouch means you’ll require a higher temperature than when sterilizing bare tools. A temperature of 121°C is okay for essential piercing tools, while you need over 130°C with a sterilization bag.

Sterilization by Chemicals and Alcohol

Sterilizing piercing tools with chemicals isn’t very popular. But it’s a common sterilization technique.

It involves immersing the equipment in the chemical for an amount of time. The downside of this sterilization method is the long hours required.

In addition, there’s room for errors.

Sterilization with Dry Heat or Fire

Fire is an ancient technique used for sterilization. But, it’s not the safest based on the type of material used. Instead, dry heat is a better option.

Dry heat is a sterilizing option similar to an autoclave. The only difference is the heat from an autoclave is steam. Dry heat is better for items that moisture can affect.

Sterilizing by Gas

Gas sterilization is the industry standard type of sterilizing piercing tools. Most new piercing equipment has had this sterilization technique from its source.

The gas used for this sterilization is ethylene oxide. The manufacturer passes this gas into the piercing equipment after packaging. And the device will remain safe until you unpack it.

sterilizing piercing tools

Safety Precautions for Getting a Body Piercing

Government authorities already do their best to ensure piercing studios in Canada are up to standard. A typical piercing studio in Ontario undergoes regular inspections every year.

In Toronto, the public health department checks piercing studios yearly. You can always call the department to ensure your proposed studio meets the standard.

But it would be best to do your due diligence as the government can’t do it all. Here are some precautions for getting a body piercing;

Choose a Clean Studio

Your first line of action is finding a clean studio. You can easily spot an unclean piercing studio from the environment and a few observations.

Note that cleanliness doesn’t always translate to beauty. A piercing studio may have great aesthetics and still be very dirty.

Ask for Sterilization Techniques

The next way to guarantee your safety during piercings is by asking questions about their sterilization style. Any standard piercer shouldn’t take offense at this request. It only shows that you know the importance of sterilization for piercing – something they should know about.

After asking, try to confirm that they perform the sterilization tasks. If the company claims to utilize pre-sterilized tools, check the packaging to confirm.

Check for Spore Tests

An autoclave is a standard device you’ll find in every piercing studio. But, not all autoclave equipment is working.

The best way to test the precision of an autoclave is through a spore test. A spore test involves inserting a bacteria sample that can survive under high heat into the autoclave.

After running through the autoclave, they should run a test and ensure no trace of bacteria. If the piercing studio can’t provide a recent spore test, don’t trust them.

Choose Reusable Equipment over Piercing Guns

Part of the major precautions for getting a body piercing is using disposable items as much as possible. Most disposable items are new and already sterilized by their manufacturers.

Therefore, they’re safer for your piercings. Allowing a piercer to use a reusable item increases your chances of infections.

Piercer Must Wear Gloves After Washing Hands

Diseases caused by piercing don’t rely on the tools alone. You need to check the process of the piercer.

Professional piercers must wash and disinfect their hands before anything. After that, they wear disposable gloves before handling any of the items.

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body piercing

Choose Piranha Studio for the Best Sterilization Practices for Piercings

Knowing the importance of sterilization for piercing will protect you from possible health hazards. But there’s nothing better than finding the perfect piercing studio that adheres to the safety techniques discussed.

Piranha Studio should come to mind if you’re searching for a piercing studio that prioritizes your safety. We are a team of piercing experts who understand the need for sterilization in our job.

Visit our studio for the highest standards of safety and sterilization. Or call +1 905 605 9191 to book an appointment with us.

The Different Types of Body Piercings You Can Get and Their Meanings

types of body piercings

The Different Types of Body Piercings You Can Get and Their Meanings

Body piercings have become increasingly popular in recent years, with a growing number of people choosing to adorn their bodies with jewelry as a form of self-expression.

From ear piercings to genital piercings, there are many types of body piercings to choose from, each with its unique meaning and symbolism.

Whether you’re considering a nipple piercing, a septum piercing, or any other type of piercing, understanding the meaning behind each can help you decide which one is right for you.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the different types of body piercings you can get and their meanings. Here’s the information you need to choose the perfect piercing to suit your individual style and personality.

How to Choose Body Piercing

Different types of body piercings have various symbolism for diverse groups of people. While a surface piercing may be nothing more than a sign of good looks to you, to others, it may have deeper cultural, spiritual, or social meanings.

Some body piercing types are more popular and widely accepted than others. But depending on the primary reason you want the body art, some options may be more suited to you.

Below are a few body-piercing forms and their deeper meanings.

Ear Piercings

Ear piercings are the most common type people opt for when they visit piercing studios in Toronto. Many cultures in different parts of the world have been using them way before body piercing became popular.

Generally, cultures across Europe, Africa and some parts of Asia encourage females to pierce and adorn their ears with ornaments.

Over the years, ear piercing has evolved to include several interesting aspects such as lobe piercing which is common in many cultures. In many countries, parents pierce the earlobes of their female children and adorn them with jewelry. Male children may also get lobe piercings as a sign of coming of age.

The primary meaning of lobe piercing has been lost to time and culture integration. Nowadays, people mostly see lobe piercing as body aesthetics.

Another common example of ear piercing is the helix piercing on the ear’s upper part. Similar to lobe piercing, people mostly get a helix piercing for aesthetics.

Other common forms of ear piercings are Tragus, Rook, Conch, and Snug piercings. Daith piercings have medical applications as there are beliefs that they help to cure migraines.

  • Anti-tragus: A piercing located on the cartilage opposite the tragus, towards the inner ear. Healing time is around 8-16 weeks with a pain level of 6 out of 10.
  • Daith: A piercing in the inner ear cartilage, located near the ear canal. Healing time is approximately 3-6 months with a pain level of 6 out of 10.
  • Ear Lobe: The most common and traditional ear piercing, situated on the lowest part of the earlobe. Healing time is around 4-7 weeks with a pain level of 3 out of 10.
  • Ear Lobe (Stretched/Plug): A modification of the traditional ear lobe piercing where the hole is stretched over time to accommodate larger jewelry. Healing time can vary, and the pain level depends on the stretching process.
  • Helix: A piercing on the upper cartilage of the ear. Healing time is approximately 3-6 months with a pain level of 4 out of 10.
  • Industrial: Also known as an Ear Cage, it consists of two holes connected by a single piece of jewelry, usually a barbell. Healing time ranges from 3-12 months.
  • Midway: A mid-helix piercing, also known as a midway piercing, is an ear cartilage piercing located on the outermost ridge or fold, positioned approximately halfway between the earlobe (the bottom flap of the ear) and the helix area (the outer rim in the top-third section of the ear)
  • Orbital: A piercing that goes through the earlobe and a specific area of the cartilage, allowing for a hoop-style earring to pass through both holes. Healing time varies, and the pain level is moderate.
  • Rook: A piercing located on the thick fold of cartilage on the upper inside of the ear. Healing time can take 2-12 months with a pain level of 7 out of 10.
  • Snug (or Anti-helix): A piercing of the vertical part in the inner cartilage area, above the anti-tragus. Healing time is around 7-9 months with a pain level of 7 out of 10.
  • Flat: This type of piercing involves inserting jewelry through the cartilage in the upper area of the ear, creating a stylish and unique look. The placement of the piercing provides an opportunity for creativity in jewelry selection, allowing you to showcase your individuality and accessorize your ear beautifully.
  • Forward Helix: A forward-facing puncture in the upper cartilage of the ear. Healing time is approximately 4-6 months with a pain level of 5 out of 10.
  • Conch (Inner & Outer): The inner conch piercing is located on the cartilage inside the ear, while the outer conch piercing is situated on the flat cartilage outside the ear canal.
  • Tragus: A piercing in the part of cartilage, located in the central part of the ear. Healing time is approximately 3-8 months with a pain level of 6 out of 10.

Please note that individual experiences may vary, and it’s essential to seek professional advice before getting any ear piercing to ensure proper placement, care, and healing.

ear piercings

Nose Piercings

Nose piercings practices have been around for generations in several communities across the globe. And each of these cultures has its beliefs and opinions about it.

For example, in medieval times, people in several regions of the Middle East, Africa and some parts of Europe recognized nose piercing and adornment as a sign of affluence. Males with nose piercings usually had wealthy affiliations. For the females, nose rings were as much a sign of femininity and beauty as they signified affluence.

But again, nose piercing had a different symbolism in other places. For example, ancient Indians believed left nostril piercing in females aided the woman’s childbearing ability. They also believed it helped to reduce menstrual cramps.

Some African cultures also share similar beliefs about left nostril piercings easing childbirth and reducing menstrual pains for women.

In addition, ancient Egyptians used septum piercing; a form of nose piercing to signify a woman’s coming of age. But septum piercings were more common with warrior tribes in Egypt, Greece and the Americas. Fighters inserted bones in their noses to intimidate enemies.

In modern times, people get septum piercings to symbolize spiritual growth and self-expression. Septum piercing involves the cartilage separating the nostrils, and you may choose it if you’re looking to honour your spiritual beliefs.

Here are the different types of nose piercings you can get:

  • Austin: An Austin piercing, also known as a nose tip piercing or the Austin Bar, is a horizontal bar that goes through the tip of your nose. This unique and eye-catching piercing creates the appearance of small beads on either side of your nose. Healing time for an Austin Bar piercing is relatively short, around 2 months, although it might not be suitable for a first piercing due to its level of discomfort during the procedure.
  • Nose (Nostril) The Nose (Nostril) piercing involves inserting jewelry from the outside edge of the nose and exiting inside your nostril. This classic and widely embraced piercing allows for various jewelry options and styles, making it a versatile choice for individuals seeking a stylish and fashionable nose piercing.
  • Nasallang: The Nasallang piercing is an intriguing and contemporary nose piercing that stands out for its unique combination of multiple piercings into one. A long barbell goes from the outside of one nostril, through the nasal septum, and exits through the other nostril. This complex and captivating piercing offers a striking and edgy look that’s perfect for those who want to make a bold statement with their nose jewelry.
  • Rhino (Vertical Nose Tip)): The Rhino piercing, also known as the Vertical Nose Tip piercing, is a vertical bar that goes through the tip of your nose, mimicking the appearance of a rhinoceros tusk. This unique and captivating piercing provides an edgy and stylish look, setting it apart from horizontal nose piercings. Rhino piercing is less painful and less risky compared to piercings that pass through the nasal septum.
  • High Nose: The High Nose piercing is a stud that goes from the outside edge of the nose to the inside of your nostril but positioned higher up towards your eyes. This unique piercing creates a captivating appearance, especially when you have one on each side, giving the illusion of a nasallang piercing. With proper aftercare and jewelry selection, the High Nose piercing can make a bold statement and add a touch of individuality to your look.
  • Septum (Bull-ring): The Septum piercing, also known as the Bull-ring piercing, is a piercing that typically goes through the “sweet spot” of skin in the middle part between your two nostrils. Contrary to popular belief, this piercing doesn’t actually go through any cartilage, making it a less painful option than expected. The great advantage of the Septum piercing is its flexibility; you can easily flip it up inside your nose to hide it completely when necessary.

nose piercings

Facial Piercings

Facial piercings are the types that involve general areas on the face. For example, piercings on the cheeks, around the cheekbones, forehead or chin are common forms of facial piercings.

People get facial piercings for several reasons. Some people get it because they believe it complements their looks. For others, it’s a form of identification.

For example, gang members often get tattoos and piercings at specific places on their faces to portray their gang affiliations.

Mouth Piercings

Oral piercing involves parts of the mouth, usually the lips and the tongues. Many people get oral piercings as a way of bold self-expression.

In extreme cases, people view oral piercings as a badge of courage for facing pain and fear.

That is because the lips and tongues are quite sensitive to pain. Plus, it gets difficult to eat or talk when you have a sore in your mouth. That makes oral piercings the ultimate test of courage for some people.

Here’s a list of the different types of oral piercings you can get:

  • Tongue Piercing: A daring and expressive choice, the tongue piercing involves a single bar placed through the center of the tongue towards the tip. For those seeking variety, there are fascinating variations like the web, snake eyes, venom, and even the striking double tongue piercing to consider.
  • Snake-Bite Piercing: Capture the essence of edginess with the snake-bite piercing. Comprising two studs on either side of the bottom lip, this style mirrors the appearance of a snake’s bite, making it a bold and captivating choice for self-expression.
  • Smiley Piercing: Embrace your playful side with the smiley piercing, also known as the frenulum piercing. Instead of the outer lip, this piercing goes through the frenulum, the small connective skin between the upper lip and gum, adding a subtle yet charming hoop or ring that becomes visible when you smile.
  • Monroe Piercing: Honor the timeless beauty of Marilyn Monroe with the iconic Monroe piercing. This subtle yet elegant piercing recreates the look of her famous beauty mark above the upper lip on the left side, using a small stud to achieve that classic allure.
  • Spider-Bite Piercing: Embrace uniqueness with the spider-bite piercing, where two separate holes are placed side by side on the upper or lower lip to create the illusion of a spider bite. It’s a distinctive and eye-catching option for those seeking a fresh and stylish look.
  • Labret Piercing: Adorn your lower lip with the stylish labret piercing, placed just below the center of the lip and often featuring a stud. The labret piercing offers a touch of sophistication and versatility to complement various fashion styles.
  • Dahlia Piercings: Discover a delightful way to accentuate your smile with Dahlia piercings. Located at the corners of the mouth, two separate holes are adorned with studs, providing a chic and charming touch to your overall appearance.
  • Medusa Piercing: Elevate your upper lip’s beauty with the Medusa piercing, positioned above the cupid’s bow in the philtrum area. This piercing captures attention with a single stud, accentuating your facial features and adding a touch of allure to your smile.

Nipple, Belly Button and Genital Piercings

Piercings in sensual areas of the body such as the nipples, navel or genitals predominantly have sexual motivations. Most people get piercings in these areas to symbolize their sexual passions.

For example, belly dancers believe navel piercings trigger sexual desires in men.

Genital piercings are often personal and intimate types of body piercing. As such, females may get piercings on their vaginas to make sex more stimulating. The same also applies to penis piercing in males.

Some cultures also view genital piercings as a rite of passage ceremony symbolizing the sexual coming of age for the individual getting it.

That said, piercing sensual areas of the body is often more painful and risky. These body parts contain more nerve ends responsible for transmitting pleasure during sex. You want to be careful to avoid damaging them.

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belly piercing

Be Intentional When Getting a Piercing

You can get any type of piercing pretty much anywhere you want on your body. You may put it on your face, lips or even genitals. The only exceptions are delicate areas such as the eyeballs. If you’d like body art on your eyeballs, you can get tattoos instead of piercings.

If you’re ready to get piercing body art but don’t know where to go, look no further than Piranha Studio! Contact us to book a piercing appointment today!

If you still can’t determine the type of piercing you want, we can help you with that too. Call us and let’s have a chat about it.

Piercing Aftercare 101: What to Do After Getting Pierced

piercing aftercare

Congratulations, you’ve just gotten a new piercing! But now what? Proper piercing aftercare is crucial to ensure a quick and smooth healing process and to prevent infections and other complications.

Whether you’ve just gotten an ear piercing, nipple piercing, nose piercing, septum piercing, belly button piercing, tongue piercing, ear lobe piercing, or lip piercing, knowing how to take care of your new piercing is essential.

In this blog post, we’ll provide you with all the essential information you need for proper piercing aftercare. From cleaning your piercing to avoiding certain activities, we’ll cover everything you need to know to keep your piercing healthy and beautiful.

Let’s dive into piercing aftercare 101!

How to Care for New Piercing

Below are common piercing options you can get in a piercing studio in Toronto and a breakdown of what to do after getting them

Ear Piercing Aftercare

Ear piercing is less risky compared to other types of piercing. Generally, they heal fast and rarely result in complications. Consider these earlobe aftercare tips.

  • Avoid touching the piercing or jewelry. And if you must, wash your hands before you do it. You have a fresh wound on the pierced spot, and touching it with unclean hands can cause an infection.
  • Gently clean the new piercing with mild, fragrance-free soap regularly. Ensure to thoroughly rinse the piercing after washing it with soap. Doing this also helps to prevent infection.
  • If the piercing feels dry and flaky, apply a thin coating of petroleum jelly on it after washing. Using the product out of a squeeze tube is best to avoid transferring germs to the wounds.
  • Don’t take the jewelry out too early. Doing this may cause the opening to close up. Ideally, you should leave the earrings in for 6-8 weeks.

Nipple Piercing Aftercare

Nipples are more difficult to pierce, and the first few days after the procedure can be excruciating. Like other sensual body parts, nipples have many nerve endings, making them more sensitive.

As such, you must delicately care for nipple piercings.

  • Avoid washing the piercing for the first few days. Instead, soak it in sea salt water twice daily and rinse with a lot of water. After cleaning, wipe with a dry towel or paper towel.
  • Wear loose cotton clothing while the wound is still healing. Tight clothes cut airflow to the piercing, which may lead to bacterial infection. In addition, tight clothes may brush against and irritate the fresh wound.
  • Protect the piercing with thick cotton clothes or sports bras at night and during physical activities.
  • Take extra care not to rub clothing against the piercing when dressing up. Fabric strands may catch on the piercing and pull it, thereby aggravating the wound.

Related Article: How to Choose the Right Piercing Studio in Toronto: A Comprehensive Guide?

Nose and Septum Piercing Aftercare

A nose piercing requires delicate care as it’s extra prone to infection due to its location. Consider the following aftercare tips for it.

  • Clean the piercing by dipping it in a saline solution or applying it with cotton balls.
  • Keep the surface dry by gently patting it with disposable paper products. You may also use a cotton pad to wipe your nose if you have oily skin.
  • Keep piercing jewelry in for a minimum of six weeks.
  • Belly button piercing aftercare
  • The belly button area, just like the nipples, has several nerve endings making them super sensitive. You must exercise delicacy when taking care of the piercing.
  • Avoid touching the piercing with unwashed hands to prevent infection.
  • Regularly wash the piercing with warm water and antibacterial soap. When cleaning, use a Q-tip to remove the built-up crust around the piercing, then thoroughly rinse the soap residue.
  • Rinse the piercing with saline solution at least twice a day.

septum piercing

Tongue Piercing Aftercare

You know how painful it can be if you’ve accidentally bitten your tongue. Putting a hole in it brings a different level of discomfort. Brushing, eating, and swallowing will be difficult, but a tongue piercing is manageable. You must be gentle with aftercare.

  • Rinse your tongue with warm saline solution or antibacterial alcohol-free mouthwash after eating and before bed.
  • Be extra gentle when brushing and flossing
  • Avoid kissing or oral sex while healing to avoid contamination. Contact with someone else’s saliva or body fluids may cause infections.
  • Eat baby bites of healthy food slowly and carefully. We recommend soft foods that don’t require heavy chewing.
  • Stay off salty, spicy, acidic, or sugary foods or drinks to avoid irritating the piercing wound.
  • Do not share cutlery, plates, or cups while you heal
  • Take lukewarm beverages, avoid hot coffee, tea, or chocolate, and fizzy drinks.

Lip Piercing Aftercare

Tongue and lip piercings generally share similar aftercare measures. But below are some care tips for lips piercings

  • Clean the external part of the piercing and jewelry at least once a day. Use a Q-tip to remove crusted matter around the jewelry, and gently wash the surface with mild soap and warm water.
  • Always wash your hands before touching the spot.
  • Soak piercing in saline solution twice a day
  • Thoroughly rinse your mouth with saline solution or mouthwash after every meal
  • Suck on ice cubes to prevent swelling
  • Avoid licking or sucking your lips.
  • Don’t apply cosmetics on the area around the piercing

Related Article: The Different Types of Body Piercings You Can Get and Their Meanings

Take Good Care of Your New Piercings

Piercing aftercare doesn’t require much effort. It’s all about keeping the wound clean and preventing infections. Whenever you’re not cleaning or applying a saline solution to the piercing spot, it’s best to leave it alone.

Don’t remove or fiddle with the jewelry until the wound is fully healed. It’s also best to stay out of the swimming pool and bathtubs while your piercing heals.

At Piranha Piercing Studio, we always go the extra step to help our customers make the best aftercare decisions for every new piercing. We’ll get your piercing healing right the first time!

How to Choose the Right Piercing Studio in Toronto: A Comprehensive Guide?

right piercing studio

When it comes to getting a piercing, choosing the right studio is crucial. Not only do you want to ensure that the studio has a skilled and experienced piercer, but also that they prioritize safety and hygiene.

In Toronto, there are many piercing studios to choose from, each with its own unique offerings and approaches. Understandably, deciding which one is right for you may be somewhat tricky.

To help you navigate the options and make an informed decision, we’ve compiled this comprehensive guide on choosing the right piercing studio in Toronto. Whether you’re a piercing enthusiast or a first-timer, here are the key factors to consider when selecting a piercing studio in Toronto.

Guide to Picking an Excellent Piercing Studio

The best piercing studios always portray a few qualities that differentiate them from others, making them easy to identify. Primarily, when sampling piercing studios in Toronto, you want to look out for these characteristics or similar evidence.

Excellent Reviews

When choosing between multiple piercing studios, try to narrow down your options using customer reviews. Thankfully, the internet has made getting people’s opinions of a service or product easy.

Find reviews of the piercing studios online and use them to determine which ones deserve your consideration. You should only pay attention to the body art shops with the best customer feedback.

Alternatively, you can request personal recommendations from people who have piercings. Ask them for pointers, regarding which piercing studio to choose and what to do before, during and, after the procedure.

Primarily, the first point you want to factor in when shortlisting piercing studios is the customer reviews. The better the reviews, the higher you should rank the shop on your list.

An Excellent Portfolio

All professional piercers have a catalogue of their previous works as a testament to their skill and experience. Use the portfolios to your advantage to determine the best place to get your piercing in Toronto.

Fortunately, you likely won’t have to ask the piercing studio for their resume. To advertise their services, most body art shops have dedicated galleries displaying images of their previous works. That includes their websites, their physical shops and social media.

Leisurely peruse the images to decide if you like their work. Admittedly, you can’t count on only the images they put out; they’ll only display their best works. As such, you shouldn’t make your decision based solely on the piercing studio’s portfolio.

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an excellent portfolio

Operational License

Naturally, you don’t want an individual without proper training and equipment poking holes in your body. You must ensure the artists at a potential piercing studio have the required license to do the job.

While this may sound like a given fact, most people never check if the piercers have proper training and license to operate. They simply assume the workers have the authorization.

Never work with assumptions when you can get the facts. While choosing a piercing studio, talk to the workers and ask for their licenses. If they can’t provide it, that’s your cue to go elsewhere.

That said, having a license isn’t a 100% guarantee that the individual is excellent at the job. As such, you want to do a little more research before deciding which piercing studio in Toronto is best for you.

Clean Studio with Appropriate Equipment

A piercing studio’s physical state says a lot about the professionalism of the people that work there. Examining the environment allows you to determine how well the piercers prioritize safety and wellness.

To start with, you should look at how clean the studio is. The piercing procedure involves sustaining fresh injuries that can easily get infected. Doing it in a dirty environment increases the chances of contamination and complications.

You should go for a studio that owns an autoclave. Piercers use the device to sanitize their tools to make sure they’re safe and clean for clients.

Examine their pre, during, and post-piercing practices. You should also examine their general piercing setup. Ideally, they should have an operation room separate from the general area for the procedure.

appropriate equipment

Piercer’s Knowledgeability

An excellent way to identify professionals is through their knowledge of the procedure. That’s why you should engage the studio manager in a quasi-interview before making a decision.

During the interview, ask them questions about the procedure. If you’re comfortable enough, talk to them about your doubts or fears and take note of how they address it. Doing this will help you gauge the individual’s experience and determine if they’re good enough.

Questions to Ask a Potential Piercing Studio

Feel free to ask a potential piercing studio any piercing and body art questions before signing up with them. You should try to learn as much as possible about their services and what you should expect from them.

  • Ask about the different piercing options available, the special conditions or considerations for each, and which one is best suited to you
  • Ask them about the process, and how they sterilize their equipment. How long will the piercing take?
  • Ask about the safety measures they recommend to avoid infections or complications
  • Do they provide aftercare guidelines and support?

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Choose The Best Piercing Studio in Toronto

Getting a piercing is not something you leave to chance; you can’t undo it once it’s done, so you must get it right in one shot. That means you should do exhaustive research before you choose a piercing studio. Compare as many options as necessary and pick the best one for you.

At Piranha Tattoo Studio, we’re home to highly trained piercers with years of experience and access to the latest equipment. Contact us to book a piercing appointment today.

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