Tattoo Removal Toronto: What You Need to Know

tattoo removal toronto

Tattoo Removal Toronto: What You Need to Know

Change is the one thing that’s constant in life. This rule of law holds for everything, including tattoos and inkwork on your skin.

Individual artistic leanings and tastes can change, affecting how you feel about old tattoos. You may have new career aspirations in an industry where visible tattoos are frowned upon. There’s also the possibility that you didn’t like how your last tattoo turned out and want to get rid of it.

In every situation mentioned here, there is a tattoo removal solution accessible to you right here in Toronto.

We get a lot of questions about how to remove a tattoo. And since we have over a decade of tattooing and piercing experience, we’re in a perfect position to explain all you need to know about tattoo removal.

Let’s get right into it.

Considerations for Tattoo Removal

Before embarking on your tattoo removal journey in Toronto, consider the following factors:

Tattoo Size, Location, and Colors

The size, location on your body, and tattoo colours can impact the complexity and cost of removal treatments. Large or colourful tattoos may require more sessions.

Skin Type and Health

Your skin type and overall health can influence how your skin reacts to the removal process. It’s better to consult a professional in person to assess your skin and suitability for tattoo removal treatments.

Budget and Expectations

Tattoo removal costs can vary in Toronto. Consider your budget and what you expect in terms of results. Finally, be realistic about the process, as complete removal may not always be achievable.

Related Article: Can Tattoos Cover Stretch Marks? – Everything You Need To Know

Types of Tattoo Removal Methods

Here are the commonly recommended types of tattoo removal in Toronto:

Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser tattoo removal uses focused laser beams to break down tattoo ink particles. During a laser tattoo removal session in Toronto, the aesthetician will target the ink, causing it to fragment. Over subsequent sessions, your body’s immune system will then flush out the ink.

The cost of complete laser tattoo removal in Toronto depends on factors like tattoo size, colour, and the number of sessions. Depending on how these factors play out, you can expect to pay between $200 to $500 per session.

Laser removal is suitable for various tattoos and skin types. As such, it’s generally considered a versatile and effective option for tattoo removal in Toronto.

  • Effective: Laser tattoo removal is highly effective and can remove most tattoos with minimal scarring.
  • Minimal Scarring: Laser removal typically produces less scarring than methods like dermabrasion or surgical excision.
  • Precise: It allows for precise targeting of specific ink colours.
  • Non-Invasive: It’s a non-invasive procedure, reducing the risk of infection compared to surgical methods.

Laser tattoo removal is a highly effective and precise method, making it a popular choice. However, it may require multiple sessions, can be uncomfortable, and carries the risk of scarring or pigment changes. Its success depends on tattoo size, ink colours, and individual skin reactions.

laser tattoo removal

Saline Tattoo Removal

Saline tattoo removal involves injecting a saline solution into the tattooed area to lift ink pigment. The saline solution breaks down the ink, and your body gradually removes it as a waste product.

This tattoo removal method is less invasive than most. As such, a saline tattoo removal treatment is highly recommended as one of the easiest pathways to removing unwanted ink.

On the other hand, the non-invasive nature of this tattoo removal method means it’s only effective for lightening tattoos or correcting minor imperfections. Saline tattoo removal may not be the best option for completely removing unwanted ink on your body.

You will likely require multiple sessions to achieve the desired results with saline tattoo removal. But the silver lining is that each session will likely be billed at a more affordable price point of $100.


Dermabrasion is a tattoo removal method that involves the removal of tattoo ink by mechanically abrading or sanding away the top layers of skin where the tattoo resides.

Here’s how it works:

  • Preparation: Before the procedure, the skin is cleaned and sometimes numbed with a local anesthetic.
  • Abrasion: A dermatologist or trained professional uses a high-speed rotary device with an abrasive wheel or brush to remove the top layers of skin containing the tattoo ink.
  • Healing Process: After dermabrasion, the skin will appear raw and may ooze or bleed. Over the following weeks, the treated area forms a scab, and as it heals, new skin replaces the old, effectively removing the tattoo.

Dermabrasion can be recommended for individuals in Toronto who want to completely remove a tattoo, especially if other methods like laser removal have been ineffective. This method allows for precise control over the depth of skin removal, making it suitable for tattoos with varying ink depths.

In some cases, dermabrasion may be preferred for its ability to replace the tattoo with a scar that can be less conspicuous than the original design.

While dermabrasion offers controlled tattoo removal, there are risks, even when you get treatment from the most experienced providers in Toronto:

  • Pain and Discomfort: Dermabrasion can be painful, and anesthesia is often required.
  • Downtime: Recovery from dermabrasion can take several weeks, during which the treated area may be sensitive and require special care.
  • Scarring: While dermabrasion can remove the tattoo, it often replaces it with a scar, which may not be aesthetically preferable.
  • Infection Risk: There is a risk of infection during the healing process.

Dermabrasion may be recommended for those seeking complete tattoo removal or for situations where other methods have not achieved the desired results.

However, it comes with the downside of potential scarring and a longer recovery period compared to some other tattoo removal techniques. Pricing can vary but is usually similar to laser removal, ranging from $200 to $500 per session.

Precautions To Follow Before Tattoo Removal Sessions

Add these items to your to-do list to increase the chances of clean, pain-free tattoo removal results.

  • Sun Protection: Protect the treated area from sun exposure to prevent complications like hyperpigmentation.
  • Avoid Blood-Thinning Medications: Discontinue any medications or supplements that can thin your blood to reduce bleeding risks during the procedure.
  • Skin Hydration: Keep your skin well-hydrated leading up to the sessions to aid in healing.
  • Communicate Allergies: Inform your tattoo removal provider about any allergies or sensitivities to ensure safe procedures.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water before your tattoo removal treatments to promote healing and minimize discomfort.
  • Avoid Tanning Beds: Refrain from using tanning beds in the lead-up to your treatment sessions, as they can increase skin sensitivity.
  • Shave the Area: If applicable, shave the area with the tattoo to ensure better treatment effectiveness.
  • Consultation: Always consult with certified tattoo removal professionals in Toronto to discuss your specific situation and expectations.

Final Thoughts: The Tattoo Process: What To Expect During Your Appointment

tattoo removal sessions

In the End

There are several routes to tattoo removal in Toronto, each with unique advantages and considerations. The best choice depends on your unique tattoo and skin characteristics. But, with proper precautions and realistic expectations, you can achieve successful tattoo removal right here in Toronto.

Remember, consult a reputable clinic like ours in Toronto to ensure a safe and effective process.

Our tattoo specialists in Toronto are here to discuss any questions you have about tattoo removals, new tattoo designs and piercings. Contact Piranha Tattoo Studios at +1 905 605 9191 for a one-on-one consultation.

How to Choose a Tattoo Shop in the GTA?

tattoo shop in the gta

How to Choose a Tattoo Shop in the GTA?

Choosing the right tattoo shop is a crucial decision that goes far beyond aesthetics. When you’re in Ontario, looking to get a new tattoo in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), you want it to look great and be done safely.

This isn’t just about picking an image that resonates with you; it’s about selecting the right place to get it etched into your skin permanently.

In this blog, we’ll walk you through the factors you should consider when choosing a tattoo shop in the GTA, ensuring you have the best possible tattoo experience.

Start with Tattoo Shop Reviews in the GTA

Research, research, and more research. Before you even step foot inside a tattoo shop, it’s imperative to do your homework. Start by exploring online reviews and asking for recommendations from friends or family who’ve had positive tattoo experiences in the GTA.

Reviews about tattoo shops in the GTA are like treasure maps leading you to the best artists and studios. Keep an eye out for consistent praise regarding cleanliness, professionalism, and the quality of the tattoos.

Finally, take the time to browse through artists’ portfolios, which you can find on the shop’s website or social media profiles. This research will give you a window into the GTA tattoo shop’s style, past work and competence.

Assess their Tattoo Equipment

Picture this scenario: You walk into a tattoo shop and notice the old and unkempt equipment. Red flags should be waving in your mind. The best GTA tattoo shops prioritize hygiene and invest in high-quality equipment.

Sterilization and Hygiene

The shop’s commitment to sterilization and hygiene is the foremost concern when evaluating tattoo equipment. Unsanitary equipment can lead to infections and serious health risks.

Make sure you only work with artists with tattoo shops in the GTA that satisfy the following:

  • Utilizes an autoclave: This sterilization device kills all bacteria, viruses, and fungi by subjecting equipment to high-pressure steam. The best tattoo shop for you is one with a regularly maintained autoclave to sterilize needles, tubes, and other reusable items.
  • Uses disposable, single-use needles: Tattoo needles should never be reused. Ensure that the shop opens a new, sealed, and sterilized needle in front of you for each session.
  • Maintains a clean workspace: Take a moment to observe the overall cleanliness of the studio. It should be tidy and organized, with clean surfaces and a controlled environment that minimizes the risk of contamination.

Tattoo Machines and Power Supplies

The tattoo machine, also known as a tattoo gun, is the primary tool used by artists to create your design. The machine must be well-maintained and function properly.

Here’s how the best tattoo shops in the GTA approach tattoo guns.

  • Machine condition: The tattoo machine should appear clean and in good repair. Ensure that it’s well-maintained and not cobbled together with makeshift parts.
  • Power supply: The power supply should be modern and in working order, providing stable power to the machine. A fluctuating power supply can result in uneven lines or shading.

Ink Quality and Handling

The type and quality of ink used for your tattoo are significant factors in both the final result and your safety. Here’s what to inquire about:

  • Ink brands: Reputable tattoo shops use high-quality, FDA-approved inks. Ask about the brands they use and do some research to ensure they meet safety standards.
  • Ink handling: Observe how the shop handles ink. The artist should use fresh ink from sealed, sterile containers. Avoid any shop that seems to reuse or mix ink between clients.

Protective Gear

A tattoo artist’s use of protective gear safeguards your health and demonstrates their commitment to professionalism. Look for:

  • Gloves: Artists should always wear disposable gloves while working on your tattoo. They should change gloves if they touch anything non-sterile during the process.
  • Barrier film: Some studios use barrier film to cover surfaces and minimize the risk of cross-contamination.

Just like we do at Piranha Studio, the right tattoo shop will be transparent about their sterilization methods and equipment maintenance. They will be willing to answer your questions and alleviate any concerns regarding equipment safety.

Related Article: Walk In Tattoo In Toronto: Can I Get One And What Do I Need To Know?

protective gear

Experience and Skill of Tattoo Artists

Tattooing is an art, and like any other art form, different artists have varying styles and expertise. Take time to explore the portfolios of different tattoo shops in the GTA before you make a decision.

Think about it this way: You wouldn’t hire a chef with no culinary experience to prepare your favourite meal. Similarly, you shouldn’t trust just anyone to ink your skin. Research the artists at the tattoo shops you’re considering. Check their portfolios to see if their style aligns with your vision.

The best tattoo shops in the GTA have experienced artists who can turn your ideas into stunning pieces of body art. They can handle a variety of styles and are willing to work with you to create a design that’s uniquely yours.

Look for someone whose style aligns with the design you have in mind. If you need clarification on an artist’s abilities, feel free to ask questions or seek recommendations from the shop’s staff.

Extensive Previous Tattoo Work

Envision this: You walk into a tattoo studio, and the walls are adorned with an impressive display of their previous work. This showcases their skill, dedication, and commitment to their craft. A studio that takes pride in its portfolio is likelier to deliver excellent results.

Be bold and ask questions about specific tattoos you like or inquire about the artist’s inspirations. It’s a conversation that will help you build trust and ensure your tattoo turns out just the way you want it.

Effective and Clear Communication

You have a clear vision for your tattoo, but the artist isn’t interested in listening. That’s a sign you’re not at the right tattoo shop. Even if the tattoo shop offers lower prices than others in the GTA, it’s probably not worth it.

Effective communication is key to ensuring your tattoo is exactly what you want. The best tattoo shops in the GTA value your input and take the time to understand your vision.

Your chosen studio should be patient, willing to answer your questions and offer their professional insights without imposing their preferences on you. They should work with you to refine your idea, ensuring it becomes a reality on your skin.

Clean Tattoo Studio Environment

You walk into a tattoo studio, and it’s immaculate. The floors are spotless, the chairs are sanitized, and you can practically smell the cleanliness. This is what you should expect from the best GTA tattoo shops.

A clean studio is a reflection of their commitment to your safety. It reduces the risk of infections and ensures a comfortable atmosphere where you can relax and enjoy tattooing.

A clean and well-maintained shop is not just an indication of professionalism but also crucial for your health. When you visit the shop, pay close attention to:

  • Sterilization equipment: Ensure they use autoclaves to sterilize their equipment, and the artists use disposable, single-use needles.
  • Overall cleanliness: The shop should be tidy, with a welcoming atmosphere.
  • License and certification: Make sure the shop and its artists are licensed and certified by relevant health authorities in Ontario.

Price and Budget

While staying within your budget is important, remember that quality tattoos are an investment. Tattoo shop prices in the GTA do not come cheap.

Be cautious of shops offering exceptionally low prices, as this could indicate subpar work or inadequate safety measures.

Request a clear price estimate for your tattoo, considering factors like size, complexity, and colour. A reputable shop will be transparent about its pricing and any additional costs.

Availability, Scheduling and Access

Before committing to a shop, consider their availability and scheduling options. Some renowned artists may have longer waiting lists, so plan accordingly. Be sure to discuss the expected timeline for your tattoo, including multiple sessions if needed.

The location of the tattoo shop in the GTA should be convenient for you to access, whether by public transport or car.

Consider factors like parking availability and the ease of reaching the studio. You want to avoid adding unnecessary stress to your tattoo experience by struggling to get to the shop.

Aftercare and Follow-up

A responsible tattoo shop will provide clear aftercare instructions to ensure your tattoo heals properly. They should also offer a follow-up appointment to check on your tattoo’s progress and address any concerns you may have during the healing process.

Trust Your Gut

In the end, trust your instincts. Don’t hesitate to explore other options if something feels off about a shop or an artist. Your comfort and peace of mind are paramount in the tattooing process.

Related Article: How Much Do Tattoos Cost In Canada (Different Area + Type Guide)

trust your gut

Pick a Tattoo Shop in the GTA that ticks Every Box

In conclusion, getting a tattoo in the GTA should be an exciting and memorable experience. By considering these factors and imagining the scenarios we’ve described, you can make an informed decision that ensures a beautiful tattoo and your safety and satisfaction. Choose wisely, and you’ll have a piece of art you’ll cherish forever.

Or choose Piranha Studio, a reputable tattoo shop in the GTA that ticks all the boxes. We offer a clean, welcoming studio alongside highly skilled yet friendly artists to help you through the process.

Call us at +1 905 605 9191 or visit our tattoo shop in the GTA to book an appointment.

Can Tattoos Cover Stretch Marks? – Everything You Need to Know

tattoos cover stretch marks

Can Tattoos Cover Stretch Marks? – Everything You Need to Know

Stretch marks. Tiger stripes. Battle scars or beauty marks. Whatever name you choose to call them, there’s no denying that we don’t always like to look at them.

While loving your body is important, honest conversations are even more important. We don’t always like the looks of stretch marks and want to do something about them.

Yes, you can cover your stretch marks with tattoos. It’s a safe way to fall in love with your body again without going through expensive skin treatments that may not always work and often come with side effects.

This short 10-minute read will explore Piranha Tattoo’s approach to covering stretch marks with tattoos. Here’s your exclusive guide to concealing stretch marks with tattoos.

Can Tattoos Cover Stretch Marks? How Effective Are They?

Our tattoo team has worked on numerous cover-up jobs for stretch marks. And we can assure you that tattoos can be a fantastic way to embrace your body’s story while concealing those marks that bother you.

Stretch mark cover-up tattoos work their magic by depositing ink into the deeper layers of the skin, creating a stunning design that catches the eye. This can help to divert attention from the stretch marks, as the intricate patterns and colours draw the gaze and tell your unique tale.

The effectiveness of covering stretch marks with tattoos largely depends on factors like the age and colour of the stretch marks, as well as the expertise of the tattoo artist.

While newer, red-hued stretch marks tend to respond better, skilled artists can cleverly design tattoos that incorporate stretch marks into the artwork, making them less noticeable.

Tattoos can work their magic on various body parts, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, and upper arms. These areas provide ample canvas to create intricate tattoo designs that not only camouflage the stretch marks but also create a visually captivating masterpiece.

Related Article: Walk In Tattoo In Toronto: Can I Get One And What Do I Need To Know?

Tattoo Style Options to Conceal Stretch Marks with Flair

As a tattoo studio with experience transforming stretch marks into stunning artwork, here are six styles perfect for tattooing over stretch marks.

Floral Elegance: Realism Tattoos

Realism tattoos can hide stretch marks with a beauty that’s hard to match. Realism tattoos bring nature’s beauty to life on your skin.

Imagine delicate roses or vibrant sunflowers gracefully entwining around your stretch marks.

With the precision of this style, your stretch marks can blend seamlessly into the intricate petals, creating a breathtaking masterpiece.

Geometric Precision: Geometric Tattoos

Our in-house tattoo artists especially love geometric tattoos for covering up tattoos because they offer a modern twist.

Picture intricate geometric patterns artfully interlocking around your stretch marks. The symmetry and angles divert attention from the marks, creating a mesmerizing visual puzzle that captivates the eye.

Neo-Traditional Tattoos

Neo-traditional tattoos infuse mythology and fantasy. Envision majestic dragons or mythical creatures gracefully incorporating your stretch marks into their design. This style not only conceals but also tells a fantastical tale on your skin.

Blackwork Tattoos

Blackwork tattoos rely on bold, black ink for a striking effect. Imagine a sweeping silhouette of a cityscape seamlessly integrating with your stretch marks. The contrast draws the eye away from the stretch marks while celebrating your body as a canvas.

Watercolor Tattoos

Watercolour tattoos are a burst of colour and emotion. The vivid nature of watercolour tattoos means they’re the perfect tattoo style for stretch marks.

Naturally, your eyes will be drawn to the vibrant colours of the watercolour tattoos. And consequently, the stretch marks will fade into obscurity. Still there, but overshadowed by a colourful, creative ink design.

Picture a vivid burst of hues elegantly merging with your stretch marks. This style’s flowing nature blends the colours with the stretch marks, creating a captivating abstract masterpiece.

Minimalist Tattoos

Minimalist tattoo styles embrace simplicity. Think of tiny stars, dainty arrows, or subtle constellations gently dancing around your stretch marks. This style’s understated charm turns your marks into part of a delicate and purposeful design.

Your stretch mark cover-up tattoo is an expression of your journey and individuality. In the next section, we’ll discuss what you need to know to harness your individuality with stretch mark cover-up tattoos.

minimalist tattoos

Potential Considerations for Concealing Stretch Marks with Tattoos

As you embark on this exciting journey, let’s delve into the essential considerations that’ll ensure you achieve the best results and a tattoo that speaks volumes.

Consultation: Blueprinting Your Vision

Begin your journey with a consultation with a Toronto tattoo artist. This step is crucial to discuss your vision, expectations for stretch mark cover-ups, and the design that resonates with you.

Share the location of your stretch marks, your preferred tattoo style, and any elements you’d like to incorporate. Together, you’ll craft a design that beautifully integrates your stretch marks into an artistic narrative.

Skin Health: The Canvas

Healthy skin is the foundation of a remarkable cover-up tattoo for stretch marks. Keep your skin well-moisturized and hydrated in the weeks leading up to your session.

Adequately nourished skin helps with the tattoo process and aids in the healing afterward.

Pre-Tattoo Care: Hydrate and Nourish

In the days before your session, focus on nourishing your body from the inside out. Stay well-hydrated, consume nutrient-rich foods, and get plenty of rest.

Your body’s vitality will contribute to the success of your cover-up tattoo experience.

Precautions: Pain and Sensitivity

While stretch marks are less sensitive than fresh skin, they might still feel slightly different during the tattoo process. Communicate openly with your artist about any discomfort you might experience, and they’ll adjust their approach to ensure your comfort.

Aftercare: Nurturing Your Artwork

Once your tattoo is complete, follow your artist’s aftercare instructions diligently once your tattoo is complete. Keep your tattoo clean, moisturized, and protected from the sun. This essential step will aid in proper healing and vibrant ink retention.

Patience: Embracing the Transformation

As your tattoo heals, you’ll notice changes in colour and texture. This is a natural part of the healing process. Allow your tattoo the time it needs to settle into its final form, revealing the stunning art that conceals your stretch marks.

Related Article: The Tattoo Process: What To Expect During Your Appointment

nurturing your artwork

Cover Up Your Stretch Marks with Tattoos that Mean Something

Remember that this transformation is not just about covering stretch marks with tattoos but also celebrating your story.

With the considerations above in mind, you’re poised to embark on a transformative journey that weaves art, confidence, and self-expression onto your canvas of skin.

Collaborate closely with your tattoo artist to ensure the design aligns with your vision. With the diverse tattoo styles above in mind, you’re ready to embark on a cover-up journey that not only conceals stretch marks but celebrates your unique story.

Ready to take the next step in exploring tattoos to cover stretch marks? Connect with us at Piranha Studio to embark on a creative journey that beautifully blends art and self-confidence.

Call us at +19056059191 to set up a consultation, or walk in to our tattoo studio in Toronto today.

How Much Do Tattoos Cost in Canada (Different Area + Type Guide)

tattoos cost in canada

How Much Do Tattoos Cost in Canada (Different Area + Type Guide)

The first step in planning for a tattoo is budgeting for how much it costs. Tattooing has seen a major transformation in the past few years, with access to high-tech needles, specialized ink and highly trained tattooists.

And while this transformation may mean satisfaction with the results of your new tattoo, it does come at a cost. Tattoos have become incredibly diverse in terms of design and style, which also affects their pricing.

And this comprehensive guide, we will explore the factors that influence tattoo prices in Canada and provide you with an average cost estimation. Additionally, we’ll delve into how much tattoos cost in different parts of Canada and the average cost ranges for various types of tattoos.

By the end of this blog, you’ll better understand what to expect and how to plan for your desired tattoo.

Factors Influencing Tattoo Pricing in Canada

Expect to spend between $200-$400 on a small-sized tattoo in Canada. Here are the factors that determine average tattoo prices.

The Artist

The skills, experience, and reputation of the tattoo artist play a significant role in determining the cost of a tattoo. Highly skilled and renowned artists may charge higher rates, but finding an artist who provides quality work at reasonable costs is crucial.

The Size

Tattoo artists typically charge based on the time it takes to complete the work and their standard fees. Larger tattoos require more time, so if you’re on a budget, consider opting for smaller designs.

The Colour

Tattoos with multiple colours generally cost more than single-colour tattoos due to the additional detailing and time required. Complex and intricate designs with many colours will increase the overall cost.

The cost is primarily due to the additional time, effort, and resources required to create intricate multicoloured tattoo designs.

Here’s a more detailed description of how colour affects the cost of a tattoo in

  • Time and Detailing: Multicolored tattoos involve more detailed work. A professional tattoo artist must apply each colour precisely to create a visually appealing and coherent design. Shading, blending, and layering different colours can be time-consuming, directly affecting tattoo costs in Canada.
  • Ink Usage: Creating multicoloured tattoos requires a higher quantity of ink compared to single-colour tattoos. Average tattoo prices increase with more colours since they must be mixed and applied in specific areas, increasing the overall material cost.
  • Artist Skill Level: To achieve the best results with multicoloured tattoos, a skilled and experienced artist is required. Highly skilled tattoo artists in Canada may charge higher rates due to their expertise in handling complex designs.

artist skill level


The location on your body where you want the tattoo inked can influence the cost. Sensitive areas like hands, feet, neck, and genitalia are usually more expensive than less sensitive areas.

Tattoo Design

The complexity and intricacy of the design will affect the overall cost. Highly detailed and intricate tattoos will require more time and effort, leading to higher prices.

Related Article: Tattoo Aftercare Tips: How To Care For Your New Tattoo

Average Cost of Tattoos in Canada

The cost of tattoos can vary significantly depending on the factors mentioned above and the region in Canada. While it’s difficult to provide exact figures due to the subjective nature of pricing, we can provide some general estimations:

  • Smaller tattoos (approximately 2×2 inches) may cost around $50 to $250.
  • Medium-sized tattoos (such as a tribal or portrait) can range from $150 to $450.
  • Large tattoos, like half or full sleeves, might start at $500 and can go up to $4,000 for a full back or custom design.

Average Tattoo Prices in Different Parts of Canada

The cost of tattoos can vary slightly depending on the specific area within Canada. As of 2023, here’s an overview of average tattoo prices in some major cities:

  • Toronto: In Toronto, the average cost for a quality medium-to-large tattoo is between $175 to $190 per hour, with a $100 minimum for smaller tattoos.
  • British Columbia: The average cost for a tattoo in British Columbia, including cities like Vancouver, can range from $175 to $190 per hour for a quality medium-to-large tattoo. Smaller tattoos are typically priced by the piece, with a minimum cost of around $100.
  • Greater Toronto Area: Tattoo prices in the Greater Toronto Area can vary depending on the artist’s size, complexity, and experience. On average, small tattoos cost between $50 to $250, while medium-sized tattoos like a tribal or portrait may range from $150 to $450.
  • Montreal: The average cost of tattoos in Montreal follows similar trends as in other areas of Canada. Small tattoos may range from $50 to $250, medium-sized tattoos from $150 to $450, and larger tattoos starting at $500 and going up to $4,000 for a full back or custom design.
  • Ottawa: The pricing for tattoos in Ottawa is consistent with the national average. Small tattoos can range from $50 to $250, medium-sized tattoos from $150 to $450, and larger tattoos start at $500 and can go up to $4,000 for more elaborate designs.

Additional Factors to Consider When Budgeting for a Tattoo

Tattoo pricing in Toronto isn’t limited to the tattoo drawing itself. Any budget for a new tattoo in Toronto must consider the following talking points:

  • Consultations: Some tattoo artists may charge a consultation fee to discuss your design and ideas before booking the tattoo session.
  • Design Customization: If you have a unique or intricate design in mind, there may be additional charges for the artist’s time and effort to create a custom piece.
  • Aftercare: Proper aftercare is essential for tattoo healing. Budget for any recommended aftercare products like tattoo ointments or lotions.

Related Article: Custom Tattoo Design: Tips for Collaborating with Your Tattoo Artist

design customization

In the End

Getting a tattoo is an exciting experience, but being well-informed about the cost implications is essential. Average tattoo prices in Toronto range from $200-$1,000. You can plan and budget by understanding the factors that influence tattoo pricing in Canada.

And while it’s tempting to go for the cheapest option, investing in a skilled and experienced tattoo artist is crucial for a lasting and beautiful piece of art on your skin.

Whether you’re in Toronto or any other part of Canada, take your time to research local tattoo artists, read reviews, and schedule consultations to find the perfect artist who can bring your tattoo vision to life.

Our tattoo artists at Piranha Studio start by listening to your design inspo before providing a commensurate expense list to help you plan for the cost of a new tattoo.

Remember, a tattoo is a lifelong commitment, so choose wisely, and enjoy the process of creating meaningful body art that reflects your personality and style. Happy tattooing!

Tattoo Aftercare Tips: How to Care for Your New Tattoo

tattoo aftercare tips

Tattoo Aftercare Tips: How to Care for Your New Tattoo

If you plan to get a new tattoo in Toronto, gathering all the information you need for a perfect tattoo experience is essential. One crucial aspect of the tattoo process is proper aftercare.

Tattoo aftercare is vital because you’ll be walking around with an open wound after getting a tattoo. You want your new tattoo to heal nicely while retaining its artistry and design.

With that in mind, our tattoo artists at Piranha Tattoo have compiled a list of recommendations for tattoo aftercare. These essential tattoo aftercare tips will ensure your new ink heals beautifully and maintains quality over time.

Recognize and Understand Tattoo Healing Stages:

Understanding the different stages of tattoo healing will help you identify what is normal and what may require attention. The healing process typically involves different stages, such as scabbing, peeling, and itching.

And it’s crucial to allow your tattoo to go through these stages naturally without interfering. Here’s our description of tattoo healing stages and what to do during each one.

Oozing and Redness

After getting a tattoo, your tattoo artist will usually bandage it. Once you remove the bandage, you may notice fluid coming from your tattoo, and the surrounding skin may appear red.

This is normal and can last for about a week. You can prevent tattoo infections during this healing stage by keeping the area clean.

Itching and Flaking

Your tattoo may start to itch and flake in the first and second weeks of the healing process. Resisting the urge to scratch your tattoo during this healing stage is important.

You see, scratching your tattoo can lead to complications. Instead, you want to pat the itchy area gently.

Peeling and Dryness

Around the second or third week, the top layers of the tattooed skin may start to peel. This is part of the natural healing process as the skin regenerates.

It’s important not to pick at the peeling skin, as it can cause scarring or affect the outcome of your new tattoo design. Instead, you want the skin to peel naturally at its own pace.

Settling and Fading

As the healing process continues, your tattoo may start to appear slightly dull or faded. This is temporary and normal. The tattoo will regain its vibrancy as the deeper layers of the skin heal.

Complete Healing

While the outer layer of the tattooed skin may appear healed within 2 to 3 weeks, complete healing can take several months. It’s essential to continue following proper aftercare practices during this time, including moisturizing the tattooed area and protecting it from the sun.

Similarly, individual healing experiences may vary during the tattoo healing stages. And, the timeline provided above is a general guideline. Always consult your artist for specific tattoo aftercare tips tailored to your design and healing process.

Related Article: Custom Tattoo Design: Tips For Collaborating With Your Tattoo Artist

complete healing

Tattoo Aftercare Tips: What to Do While Caring for a New Tattoo

Tattoo maintenance and after is easier with a comprehensive understanding of what to expect during the tattoo healing stages.

Here are the dos and don’ts to ensure your tattoo heals nicely.

Listen to Your Tattoo Artist

Aftercare instructions may vary slightly depending on the tattoo artist and the specific tattoo. Your tattoo artist is the best source of guidance for caring for your new tattoo. They will provide you with personalized instructions based on their expertise and knowledge of your tattoo.

Keep the Bandage On

After getting your tattoo, your tattoo artist will cover it with a bandage to protect it from external bacteria and contaminants. Leave the bandage on for the recommended time, usually 1 to 4 hours. This step helps prevent infection and allows the tattoo to begin an undisturbed initial healing process.

Clean Your Tattoo

Once the initial bandaging period is over, it’s time to clean your tattoo. Wash your hands thoroughly with lukewarm water and fragrance-free soap before touching your tattoo.

Gently clean the tattooed area with mild soap and water, removing traces of blood, plasma, or ointment. Avoid using washcloths, which can harbour bacteria and irritate the tattooed skin.

Pat Dry and Air Dry

After cleaning your tattoo, pat it dry with a clean, soft cloth or paper towel. Avoid rubbing the tattoo, as this can cause irritation. Let the tattoo air dry for a few minutes to ensure complete drying before proceeding to the next step.

Apply a Thin Layer of Moisturizer

Care for your new tattoo by applying a small amount of a non-scented moisturizer recommended by your tattoo artist.

Avoid using petroleum-based products like Vaseline, as they can damage the tattoo and prolong the healing process.

Gently massage the moisturizer into the skin, ensuring not to suffocate the tattooed area.

Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure

Protect your new tattoo from the sun’s harmful rays by keeping it covered or using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Sun exposure can fade the tattoo and cause damage to the healing skin. Remember to reapply sunscreen throughout the day, especially if you’re spending time outdoors.

Stay Hydrated and Eat Nutritious Foods

Proper hydration and a balanced diet can contribute to the healing process of your tattoo. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated, and consume nutrient-rich foods that promote skin health, such as fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.

Avoid Swimming and Intense Physical Activity

During the healing period, avoid swimming in pools, hot tubs, or natural bodies of water. Submerging your tattoo in water can introduce bacteria, which increases the risk of infection. Additionally, refrain from intense physical activities that may cause excessive sweating or friction on the tattooed area.

Related Article: The Tattoo Process: What To Expect During Your Appointment

avoid swimming

In Short

Proper tattoo aftercare is essential for preventing infections, preserving the tattoo’s vibrant colours, and achieving the desired outcome. And the tips above are everything you need to ensure your new ink heals perfectly.

Our tattoo artists at Piranha Studio are always ready to discuss tattoo-specific aftercare tips. Thinking of getting a new tattoo in a specific place? Call us today to discuss aftercare and plan for it.

The History of Tattoos and Piercings: A Journey Through Time and Cultures

history of tattoos and piercings

The History of Tattoos and Piercings: A Journey Through Time and Cultures

Tattoos and piercings have captivated different human societies throughout history, leaving artistic marks on the skin that often hold deep cultural significance. If you’re considering a new tattoo, it’s essential to understand the rich history and cultural context behind these forms of body modification.

Together, we’ll embark on a journey through time, exploring the origins of tattoos and piercings, their evolution, and their diverse cultural meanings across civilizations. This way, you can fully appreciate what it means to get a new tattoo.

Here, we’ll delve into the cultural significance of body modification throughout history. With knowledge of the historical tapestry of tattooing and piercing, you’ll gain valuable insights to inform your decision and deepen your appreciation for this ancient art form.

Ancient Beginnings: The Origins of Tattoos and Piercings

As a practice, tattooing has been traced back to the Neolithic period, around 5000 BCE. There is evidence of ancient tattoos found through mummified preserved skin, ancient artwork, and archaeological discoveries.

The Upper Paleolithic period in Europe likely saw the emergence of ancient tattoos, supported by ancient art and archaeological findings of tattoo tools.

However, direct evidence of tattooed human skin has been found only from the 4th millennium BCE. The most well-known example is Ötzi the Iceman — his preserved body dating between 3370 and 3100 BCE displays remarkable tattooed markings.

The cultural significance of tattoos varied across civilizations. Typically, each society imprints a different meaning onto these permanent designs.

  • In Egypt, ancient tattoos adorned the bodies of individuals, including the mummy of Amunet, Priestess of the Goddess Hathor, dating back to approximately 2134-1991 BCE.
  • Native American tribes, the Ainu people of Japan, and many Polynesian cultures also developed unique tattoo traditions, utilizing symbolic motifs to represent identity, spiritual beliefs, and social status.

Piercings, another form of body modification, have a similarly extensive history. From ancient Egypt to various indigenous cultures, piercings were used for aesthetic purposes, cultural rituals, and religious practices. Egyptians, for example, wore earrings as symbols of wealth and social standing.

Nose and lip piercings were also common among indigenous tribes in different regions of the world, often signifying tribal affiliations and spiritual beliefs.

Related Article: Custom Tattoo Design: Tips for Collaborating with Your Tattoo Artist

Cultural Significance: Tattoos as Powerful Expressions

The cultural significance of tattoos has evolved beyond decorative marks on the skin. Throughout cultural history, tattoos have been amulets, status symbols, expressions of love, religious declarations, and even forms of punishment.

  • For the Maori people of New Zealand, traditional tattoos known as “moko” held immense cultural significance. Moko designs were etched into the skin using chisels, and represented genealogy, social status, and personal achievements. These intricate facial tattoos conveyed a person’s identity, tribe, and history, serving as a powerful expression of cultural pride.
  • In Japan, tattooing has a long and vibrant history. Traditional Japanese tattoos, called “irezumi,” are renowned for their complex designs and deep symbolism. These full-body tattoos were often associated with the yakuza and were markers of loyalty, strength, and resilience. Today, irezumi continues to be appreciated as a remarkable artistic tradition, reflecting Japan’s cultural heritage.

tattoos as powerful expressions

Contemporary Perspectives: Tattoos in Ontario

In present-day Ontario, tattoos have become an integral part of personal expression, creativity, and individual identity. Tattoo studios across the province cater to a diverse range of styles, from traditional to neo-traditional, realism to watercolour.

Depending on your appreciation of tattoos, you can always find a tattoo artist in Toronto. You will find an artist that resonates with your artistic vision.

And when you’re choosing a tattoo, think about its significance in your own life. Think about the symbols, images, or words that hold personal meaning or represent a significant chapter of your journey.

Consult with a reputable tattoo artist who can collaborate with you to bring your vision to life while ensuring the design aligns with the cultural and historical contexts you find meaningful.

Related Article: The Tattoo Process: What to Expect During Your Appointment

In the End

The history of tattoos and piercings is a testament to the enduring human desire for self-expression, cultural belonging, and individual identity. From ancient civilizations to contemporary society, tattoos and piercings have evolved, transformed, and retained their power to captivate and inspire.

As you explore the rich tapestry of tattoo history, let your journey inform your decision and inspire you to embrace the art form that resonates with your unique story.

Remember, tattoos and piercings are not mere fashion statements but deeply personal choices that should reflect your values, passions, and experiences. By understanding the historical and cultural significance of tattoos, you can embark on a transformative journey, carrying the weight of history and the power of self-expression on your skin.

Embrace the art. Embrace the history. Embrace your story. And when you’re ready, our tattoo artists at Piranha Studio are offering expert consultations and inkwork you’ll love.

Book a session with us today.

Tattoo Trends 2023: Discovering the Most Popular Designs and Styles

the tattoo trends

Tattoo Trends 2023: Discovering the Most Popular Designs and Styles

Tattoos have become an increasingly popular form of self-expression, and staying up-to-date with the latest tattoo trends is essential for both tattoo enthusiasts and artists. In 2023, tattoo trends indicate the community is embracing a wide range of captivating designs and styles.

From minimalist tattoos that emphasize simplicity to bold and vibrant creations that make a statement, this blog post will delve into the most sought-after tattoo trends of the year. Additionally, we will explore popular tattoo themes and motifs that can inspire readers for their next ink.

Minimalist Tattoo Trends in 2023: Embracing Simplicity

Minimalist tattoos have gained significant popularity in recent years, and their allure continues to captivate tattoo enthusiasts in 2023. These designs focus on simplicity, clean lines, and subtle details. Common minimalist tattoo motifs include geometric shapes, delicate flowers, celestial symbols, and small animals.

The minimalist style is often characterized by black ink, but subtle touches of colour can also be incorporated to enhance the design’s impact. Whether it’s a discreet wrist tattoo or an intricate minimalist sleeve, these designs offer timeless elegance and understated beauty.

Here’s why this design trend is top of our list of ideas for a tattoo in 2023:

  • Simplicity: Minimalist tattoo designs are characterized by their simplicity and clean lines. They focus on essential elements and avoid excessive details, resulting in a sleek and understated aesthetic.
  • Subtle and Elegant: These tattoos often employ fine lines, delicate symbols, and small motifs, creating a subtle and elegant appearance. The minimalist approach allows the tattoo to blend seamlessly with your skin, giving it a timeless and sophisticated appeal.
  • Quick Healing and Lower Pain Level: Due to their smaller size and simplified design, minimalist tattoos generally require less time to complete, resulting in quicker healing. Additionally, the reduced complexity of these designs means you’ll feel less pain during the tattooing process.
  • Enhanced Placement Options: The minimalist style is a popular tattoo design that lends itself well to discreet placements on the body, making it an excellent choice if you prefer subtlety or need to consider professional or social settings. These tattoos can be easily covered or shown off based on personal preference.

Related Article: The Tattoo Process: What to Expect During Your Appointment

minimalist tattoo trends

Bold, Colorful, Popular Tattoo Designs: Making a Vibrant Statement

On the opposite end of the spectrum, bold and colourful tattoos are also in high demand in 2023. These designs feature vibrant hues, intricate shading, and eye-catching details. Tattoo artists in Vaughan are pushing boundaries and creating mesmerizing pieces that bring tattoos to life with a burst of colour. And, you can do the same too.

Popular choices for colourful tattoos include floral arrangements, mythological creatures, abstract art, and pop culture references. Vibrant colours add visual impact and allow for a more expressive and personalized representation of the wearer’s individuality.

  • Vibrant and Eye-Catching: Bold and colourful tattoos in 2023 are characterized by their vivid hues and striking visual impact. These tattoos often feature bright shades and intense colour combinations, making them visually captivating and attention-grabbing.
  • Expressive: Bold and colourful tattoos provide a platform for self-expression and individuality. They allow you to showcase your personality, preferences, and creativity through a visually dynamic medium. You can also customize them to reflect personal stories, interests, or cultural influences, resulting in unique and one-of-a-kind designs.
  • Versatility in Design: From intricate floral patterns to geometric shapes, abstract designs, or vibrant portraits, there are endless options to explore. The versatility of these tattoos allows for personalized interpretations and the incorporation of various themes and motifs.
  • Contemporary and Trendsetting: Bold and colourful tattoos are at the forefront of contemporary 2023 tattoo trends. They represent a departure from traditional black and gray tattoos and embrace a more modern and dynamic approach.
  • Self-Confidence and Empowerment: The boldness and vibrancy of these tattoos can instill in you a sense of self-confidence and empowerment in the wearer. These tattoos often hold deep personal meaning, contributing to your sense of identity and empowerment.
  • Increased Artistic Expression: Colourful tattoos are one of the best tattoo trends of 2023 due to a no holds barred approach to creativity. The use of vibrant colours, shading techniques, and intricate details allows artists to push the boundaries of their craft and create visually stunning pieces of body art.

Popular Tattoo Themes: Exploring Meaningful Concepts

In addition to specific design styles, various tattoo themes are resonating with individuals seeking to convey deeper meanings through their ink. Here are some popular tattoo themes in 2023:

Nature-Inspired Tattoos

Tattoos depicting elements from nature, such as flowers, trees, animals, and landscapes, are highly sought after. These tattoos symbolize a connection with the natural world, harmony, and personal growth.

Nature-inspired tattoos hold immense appeal due to their ability to connect individuals with the beauty and power of the natural world. These 2023 tattoo trend can encompass a wide range of elements, including flowers, trees, animals, and landscapes.

Flowers like roses, lotuses, or sunflowers represent love, beauty, and spiritual growth, while trees symbolize strength, wisdom, and grounding. Animal tattoos like eagles, lions, or koi fish can embody traits like courage, resilience, and transformation. By choosing nature-inspired motifs, individuals can forge a deeper connection with their surroundings and express their reverence for the environment.

nature-inspired tattoos

Spiritual and Symbolic Tattoos

Tattoos inspired by spirituality, ancient symbols, and sacred geometry are gaining traction. These designs allow individuals to express their beliefs, protectiveness, and connection to higher realms.

Spiritual and symbolic tattoos hold profound significance for those seeking to represent their beliefs, protectiveness, or connection to higher realms. These popular tattoo designs draw inspiration from ancient symbols, sacred geometry, and religious iconography. Examples include mandalas, yin and yang symbols, Om, the Eye of Horus, or the Tree of Life.

These tattoo themes not only reflect an individual’s spiritual journey but also provide a sense of guidance, harmony, and protection. Symbolic tattoos serve as visual reminders of the wearer’s values and help foster a deeper understanding of their place in the universe.

Wanderlust Tattoos

As travel and exploration continue to inspire people worldwide, tattoos that symbolize wanderlust, such as compasses, maps, airplanes, or landmarks, have become popular for those passionate about adventure.

Personalized Tattoos: Expressing Unique Stories and Interests

Tattoos can also be deeply meaningful when personalized to reflect an individual’s unique story, interests, or passions. By incorporating elements from your favourite things, people can create highly personal tattoos with profound significance.

Examples include tattoos representing a favourite animal, food, fictional character, book, movie, team, or game. These customized designs allow you to showcase your identity and visually represent what is important in your life. The possibilities are endless, as you can combine several favourite elements into one cohesive tattoo design.

Tattoos with Emotional Resonance: Capturing Memories and Life Experiences

Meaningful tattoos often derive tattoo inspiration from important life events, cherished memories, or personal milestones. These tattoos encapsulate emotions, triumphs, or tributes to loved ones. You can choose to ink significant dates, quotes, or symbols that evoke deep emotional connections.

By transforming these experiences into tattoo art, you can carry their stories and memories with you, celebrating their journey and embracing personal growth. Meaningful tattoos become intimate narratives woven into the fabric of the wearer’s skin, capturing the essence of their lived experiences.

Related Article: Having A Tattoo? Common Questions People Ask

tattoos with emotional resonance

Final Thoughts

The best tattoo trends of 2023 revolve around minimalist and colourful expressions of art. You can also combine themes of nature, wanderlust, emotional importance and spiritual symbolism.

Or speak with our experienced tattoo artists in Vaughan. At Piranha Tattoo Studio, our experienced tattoo artists will sit with you and discuss your unique needs until you arrive at the perfect design for your next ink.

Book an appointment with us today by calling +1 905 605 9191.

The Tattoo Process: What to Expect During Your Appointment

the tattoo process

The Tattoo Process: What to Expect During Your Appointment

So, it’s your first tattoo appointment, and you’re not sure what to expect during the process. First off, there’s no need for apprehension.

Understandably, you may feel the fear of the unknown giving you cold feet. Plus, the idea that the process will hurt probably scares you. Then again, you may be concerned about how the tattoo will turn out and if it’ll look as good as imagined.

Knowing what to expect during your tattoo appointment is the best way to avoid this apprehension. Here we’ll explain the important bits of a tattoo appointment and how to prepare for it. Let’s begin by examining what you should do before the procedure.

Checklist for Getting a Tattoo

You must put a few things in place before meeting up with a tattoo artist for the first time. Your preparation is key to getting the body art you’ll always be proud of.

Choose Your Preferred Design and Where You Want It

Many people don’t think things through before stepping into a tattoo parlour. Don’t be like that; before you waltz into a tattoo studio in Ontario, know exactly what you want and where you want it.

In addition, don’t let others choose your tattoo for you. Unless you’re getting the tattoo as a kind of ritual or proof of affiliation, make your body art decisions by and for yourself.

Deciding for yourself may require you to think long and hard about it, but that’s fine as long as you get what you want.

Prepare Your Mind and Body

Many thoughts will go through your mind as you anticipate getting your first tattoo. Primarily, you’ll consider many choices when trying to find the perfect design and the best place to put it. That’s all great, but you should prepare for the nerves too.

For a first-timer, you’ll most likely get nervy as the appointment gets closer. You must not let the nerves psyche you out. Steel your mind and take breathing exercises. These are necessary to keep yourself calm during the procedure.

Also, eat well and get your body in good shape before going for the appointment. Moisturize your skin in advance, drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and get plenty of sleep.

It’s inadvisable to get a tattoo when you’re on your period or ill. Your skin is extra sensitive and you’re most likely extremely irritable at the time. Instead, wait for when you’re in the best physical condition.

Related Article: The Different Types of Body Piercings You Can Get and Their Meanings

prepare your mind and body

What to Expect During a Tattoo Appointment?

A tattoo procedure is pretty straightforward. Primarily, the tattoo artist does all the work and all you have to do is relax and trust them. The calmer you are, the easier you’ll make the work for the artist.

Speaking of keeping calm, we’ll admit that you may find that difficult as the tattooing process is often uncomfortable. That’s why you must be in your best shape before going under the needle. That said, below is a walk-through of the procedure.

Waivers and Liability

Before starting the procedure, the tattoo artist will make you sign a waiver that outlines the risks of the process. Primarily, they need you to acknowledge that you’re aware of possible mishaps and accept them.

The waiver doesn’t mean you’ve chosen a shady shop. It only protects the artist if something goes wrong that’s not their fault. For example, if your tattoo gets infected due to your failure to follow proper aftercare instructions, the tattoo artist won’t be liable for that.

Nevertheless, ensure to read the waiver’s content before signing. It’s good practice to know what you’re acknowledging before doing it.

Anesthetic Application

After you settle the paperwork and all initial agreements, the next step commences with the application of topical anesthetics on the spot where you want the tattoo. The anesthetics help numb the spot and make the procedure less painful for you.

Most tattoo artists use numbing gels which they’ll apply on the surface and wait while it takes effect. Others may use numbing sprays; it all depends on the artist’s preferences.

That said, avoid using painkillers or alcohol before getting a tattoo. These substances thin your blood which will cause you to bleed more when pierced. More bleeding makes the procedure messy. Plus, the thinner your blood is, the slower you heal.

Stencils and Tattoo Placement

After you’ve prepared the spot for the tattoo, the artist will put your chosen design on a stencil. If you’ve selected your design before the appointment, the artist will have the stencil ready earlier, and this process won’t take long.

A stencil is a temporary tattoo that artists use to show you what the result will look like before they begin work. Once you confirm that you’re okay with the design, placement, and size, the artist will begin work.

Getting Tattooed

Once you give the artist the affirmation, you’re past the point of no return. The artist will draw out the design on your body. Depending on how complex the design is, the procedure may take hours or days to complete.

If you’re still thinking of what to expect during the tattoo appointment, expect this part of it to be a bit uncomfortable. Tattoo is fundamentally a scarring process, it’s like cutting tiny wounds in your skin. It’ll be painful, but the anesthetic provides much-needed relief throughout the process.

Related Article: Piercing Aftercare 101: What to Do After Getting Pierced

getting tattooed

What Happens During a Tattoo Session?

If you’re skeptical about what to expect, know nothing complex happens during a tattoo appointment. If you’ve scheduled a session with a reputable tattoo studio, you have nothing to fear.

Instead of getting anxious, prepare yourself mentally, check out a few first tattoo tips and get your body in good shape.

Ready to get new ink on your body? Our specialists at Piranha Tattoo will put you at ease, go over intended designs, and answer all your questions about what to expect during your tattoo. Contact us today to discuss your next tattoo.


The vast majority of people who receive a tattoo in Vaughan have no problem during or after its creation. The reason is that they went to reputable, highly-trained professional tattoo artists who take their job seriously and adhere to the highest standards of sanitation, sterilization and execution. Unfortunately, those who opt for the services of less rigorously trained individuals often find themselves following up their visit to the tattoo parlour with a visit to the hospital.

The Importance of Getting a Professional Tattoo in Vaughan

Trying to save a few dollars on your tattoo in Vaughan by going to an amateur could be a very costly mistake and here are some of the reasons why.

  • NTM infections – Discount tattoo artists will often try and save money by mixing their ink with non-sterile water. But non-sterile water can easily contaminate the ink with germs leading to a dangerous type of infection called an NTM infection. NTM infections are notoriously hard to clear and can require up to 6 months of treatment and surgery to remove infected tissue.
  • Other diseases – If the threat from poorly executed tattoos went no further than NTM infections that would be enough. But it doesn’t stop there. Contaminated needles can also lead to hepatitis, tetanus and of course HIV. Add potential complications such as granulomas along with keloid scars and possibly even skin cancer and you have a laundry list of reasons to avoid discount tattoos.
  • Half-baked art – Many of today’s best tattoo parlours employ art or design school graduates who have elevated the tattoo to the rarefied air of fine art. The intricacy, sophistication and sheer beauty of their work is a testament to their skill and dedication. When you settle for a discount custom tattoo you’re likely getting a glorified doodle.
  • Half-baked durability – As if the risk of infection or disease wasn’t enough, the use of cheap inks can also significantly reduce the life of your discount tattoo. Some cheap or poorly applied inks will also bleed out. So if having a grey blob on your arm where your tattoo is supposed to be sounds like a good idea then by all means get a discount tattoo.

Don’t put your skin in the hands of an amateur using cheap inks and dirty equipment. Drop by Piranha Tattoo Vaughan and learn how a professionally trained tattoo artist using high-quality inks and leading-edge equipment can create a work of art for you that will never be anything else.


Before you get your first tat you should educate yourself about all aspects of the process. In all likelihood you’ll love your new body art but let’s be frank; getting a tattoo is not for everyone. So make sure you know what you’re getting into before sitting down in the chair. Here are some things to keep in mind.

Getting Your First Tattoo in Newmarket

Here are a half dozen things you should know before going under the needle for your first tattoo in Newmarket or elsewhere.

  • Skin conditions can complicate things – If you have ultra sensitive skin or a condition like eczema you may have an allergic reaction. Or, if you have psoriasis a tattoo may irritate your condition and you may experience an outbreak at the location of the tattoo.
  • Risk of infection – If you are suffering from any conditions or taking any medications that can cause suppression of your immune system you may want to delay getting a tattoo, simply because the process always carries with it the risk of infection, even if it’s remote.
  • Solar sensitivity – New tats are sensitive to sunlight so don’t spend a lot of time at the beach showing off your brand new tattoo unless you’ve slathered on the sunblock or are only exposing it to show people.
  • Sterilized needles only please – Insist your tattoo artist uses a brand new needle taken out of a brand new package that they open in front of you. If they try to go to work with anything else call a halt to the proceedings.
  • Don’t shave – If your tattoo is going into an area that you normally shave don’t shave that area before getting your tattoo. If hair needs to be removed let the tattoo artist do it, they’ll know exactly how much they need to remove and how close to cut things.
  • After care – Read up on how to care for your skin after the tattoo is applied and then make sure you follow all the recommended procedures. You want your finished tattoo to look the way you envisioned it so helping the skin to heal properly afterward is essential.

At Piranha Tattoo Newmarket we’ll make sure your first tattoo experience is trouble free and results in a piece of art you’ll cherish for years to come. Call us on 905 605 9191 with any questions you may have or drop by the Piranha Tattoo Newmarket studio to take a look around and have a chat.

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